Archive Tenders

Sr. No. Title Date Document
1 Tender regarding Construction of Liquid Nitrozen Plant at Kumarghat and repair and mtc. of Inspiration hall at Dolugaon under Chandipur R.D Block under RD KGT Div. Dated 14th June, 2023 27/06/2023 View/Download
2 Tender regarding development of Banamailipur Dhighi under AMC ward no 29. Dated 20th June, 2023 20/06/2023 View/Download
3 Tender for supply of Spare Parts for CTPF and BTPF under TTDC Ltd. Dated 28th January, 2022 28/01/2022 View/Download
4 Tender for maintenance of Internal Electrification at Ledrai Dewan H.S School for Naboday School at Machmara under Pecharthal R.D Block. 25/01/2022 View/Download
5 Tender regarding impact studies of the DDU-GKY trained candidates under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission. 22/01/2022 View/Download
6 Notice for extension of tender submission date for upgradation of the modern record room setup under office of the SDM, Bishalgarh. 18/01/2022 View/Download
7 Tender for purchase of green leaves of Machmara Tea Estates under TTDC Ltd. dt.17.01.2022. 17/01/2022 View/Download
8 Tender for Installation, Printing, Fixing of Flex and display of Hoardings at different location in Tripura under PMFME Scheme. 15/01/2022 View/Download
9 Tender regarding procurement of computer and peripherals under Bishalgarh, SDM office. Dated 13th January, 2022 13/01/2022 View/Download
10 Tender for Const. of Addl. Class room Higher Secondary Level at Netaji Vidyapith under Kailashahar M.C. Dated 13th January, 2022 13/01/2022 View/Download
11 Tender for Computer Desktop, Scanner and UPS for FY 2021-22 under College of Vaterinary Sciences & AH. Dt.12.01.2022. 12/01/2022 View/Download
12 Tender for Const. of brick soling, CC Road and laying of CC road at different locations under Kumarghat RD Division. Dated 7th January, 2022 07/01/2022 View/Download
13 Tender regarding development of Road with Retaining Wall and Roadside Drain and Const. of Science Lab Higher Secondary Level at Netaji Vidyapith under Kumarghat RD Block. Dated 7th January, 2022 07/01/2022 View/Download
14 Tender for extension of gallery and formation of brick soling at different locations under EE,RD,Udaipur Division. Dated 5th January, 2022 05/01/2022 View/Download
15 Tender for Procurement and supply of 1st class Bricks & 1st class straight picket at various worksites under EE,RD,Udaipur Division. Dated 5th January, 2022 05/01/2022 View/Download
16 Memorandum regarding extension of tender for supply of home cooked food under TRLM. Dated 3rd January, 2022 03/01/2022 View/Download
17 Tender for Supply of Hardware items,Providing of Centering Shuttering Hiring charge, for different works under EE, RD Kumarghat Division.Dated 3rd January, 2022 03/01/2022 View/Download
18 RFP regarding engagement of personnel through HR agencies for implementation of Tripura Rurla Livelihood Mission. Dated 3rd January, 2022 03/01/2022 View/Download
19 Tender for Construction of Addl. Class room at different locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Division. Dated 27th December, 2021 27/12/2021 View/Download
20 Tender for Construction of 02nos RCC Cantilever foot bridge under EE,RD,Kumarghat Division. Dated 27th December, 2021 27/12/2021 View/Download
21 Tender regarding construction of 03 (three) nos. RCC foot bridge at Gomati District under EE,RD Udaipur Division. Dated 27th December, 2021 27/12/2021 View/Download
22 Tender for Construction of Pathways, water tank at different locations under EE,RD,Udaipur Division. 21/12/2021 View/Download
23 Tender regarding Procurement & supply of Ceramic Tiles, Sized Timber, Steel and Aluminium items, Paint items, water supply items, Hardware goods, Earth at different locations under EE,RD,Udaipur Division. 20/12/2021 View/Download
24 Tender regarding construction of Community Latrine and mtc. Work at Ledraidewan H.S school for Navoday School at machmara under Pecharthal R.D Block. 20/12/2021 View/Download
25 Memorandum regarding extension of submission of bid regarding supply of home cooked food under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission. 18/12/2021 View/Download
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