Archive Schemes

Sl. No. Title Date Document
1 Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentive Scheme, 2022 20/12/2023 View/Download
2 Notification for Mukhyamantri Samajik Sahayata Prakalpa 20/12/2023 View/Download
3 IT Start-up Scheme 2019 20/12/2022 View/Download
4 Notification regarding introduction of New Generation Innovation Network Scheme. 08/07/2021 View/Download
5 Memorandum regarding benefit of procurement preference under Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentives Scheme, 2017 08/01/2021 View/Download
6 Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentive (2nd Amendment) Scheme, 2017. 27/11/2020 View/Download
7 IT Start-up Scheme 2019. 30/10/2019 View/Download
8 Advertisement regarding Mukhyamantri Yuba Yogayog Yojana for 2019-20. 06/05/2019 View/Download
9 Notification regarding Tripura lynching - mob violence Victim Compensation Scheme 2018. 14/08/2018 View/Download
10 Notification regarding amendment of the clause 8.2 of the procurement preference benefit under Tripura Industrial Investment Promotion Incentives Scheme, 2017. 30/11/2017 View/Download
11 RFP for Companies willing to setup BPO-ITES Operation in North Eastern Region under North Eastern BPO Promotion Scheme. 12/02/2017 View/Download
12 Implementation of centrally sponsored scheme, livestock insurance scheme. 28/06/2016 View/Download
13 Heifer rearing schemes 26/06/2016 View/Download
14 Credit Enhancement Guarantee scheme for the Scheduled Casted 20/03/2014 View/Download
15 Scheme of Venture Capital Fund for Scheduled Castes 20/02/2014 View/Download
16 Central sector scheme of self employment scheme for rehabilitation of manual scavengers (SRMS)-revision of the scheme 02/12/2013 View/Download
17 Notification on monthly rate of social security Schemes 02/12/2013 View/Download
18 Pension to the Deserted Women under APL families 02/12/2013 View/Download
19 Social Security Pension Scheme. 02/12/2013 View/Download
20 Competitions Guidelines for conducting Annual Sports Competitions under RGKA Scheme 07/08/2013 View/Download
21 Pension under Indira Gandhi National Widow pension Scheme(Central Share), Indira Gandhi National Disability pension Scheme(Central Share) increased. 04/06/2013 View/Download
22 Waiving the limitation period up to five years for payment of Un-employment Allowance to the fully Blind persons. 04/04/2013 View/Download
23 Waiving the limitation period up to 5 years for payment of un-employment allowance to the fully blind persons. 04/04/2013 View/Download
24 Scheme for providing pensions to the BPL Fishermen 30/10/2012 View/Download
25 Memorandum on introduction of a new Scheme for providing social pension to the Fishermen 30/10/2012 View/Download
26 Scheme for providing pensions to the BPL unorganized workers like Motor Shramik Workers, Handloom Workers,Laundry Workers and Barber Workers 19/10/2012 View/Download
27 Revise the guidelines for pension to Tripura Cobbler Pension Scheme and Bidi Shramik Pension Scheme 19/10/2012 View/Download
28 Central sector scheme of free coaching for SC and OBC students 01/08/2012 View/Download
29 Centrally sponsored Scheme of Pre-Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Castes Students. 02/06/2012 View/Download
30 Pension to the un-married women of the age of 45 yrs & above under BPL families 15/05/2012 View/Download
31 Widow Pension Scheme - 2012 (New State Scheme) Notification 15/05/2012 View/Download
32 Pension to the persons who lost 100% eye sight under APL families 15/05/2012 View/Download
33 Revise the guideline of the Indira Gandhi National Old Age Pension Scheme, Un-Employment Allowance to the 100% Blind, Pension to the Rickshaw Pullers & Scheme for Tripura Cobbler Pension 15/05/2012 View/Download
34 Pension to 80% & above physically challenged persons under APL families. 15/05/2012 View/Download
35 Tripura Industrial Investment Incentives Promotion Scheme-2012 26/03/2012 View/Download
36 Introduction of three new plan Schemes for providing pension to cobblers, Rickshaw Pullers and Incentive to the Girl Child. 08/06/2009 View/Download
37 Incentive scheme for oustanding performance in sports and youth activities at national and international level 31/08/2002 View/Download
38 Group Insurance Scheme for state government employees on self- financing contributory basis 30/11/1983 View/Download
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