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Notification regarding transfer and posting of One IFS and Twenty One TFS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Two TPS GR-II officers.
Corrigendum regarding correction of Name under Law Department.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Seven TCS Gr-II Officers.
Notification regarding appointment of Public Information Officer under Labour Department.
Notification regarding reshuffle of Five Senior IAS officers.
Notification regarding reshuffle of Seven Senior IPS officers.
Memorandum regarding regular pay scale after completion of Five years under YAS department.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Chandra Kumar Jamatia, IAS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Three TFS Gr-II officer.
Notification of Fixation of Service charges for delivery of Vahan Services through Common Services Centers(CSC).
Notification regarding major reshuffle of Twenty Four (24) TPS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding appointment of Officials and Non-Officials members in the board of Visitors for kendriya Sansodhanagar.
Memorandum regarding reservation for economically weaker sections in civil posts and services in the Government of India.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Four Stenographers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Two Stenographers.
Notification regarding designation of Sri. D.M. Jamatia, L.R & Principal Secretary, Law.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of One IAS and Two TCS officers.
Notification regarding Promotion of IAS officers of 2010 batch to IAS Junior Administrative Grade Scale at the Level 12 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding relief and allocation of charge of 2 (Two) Senior IAS officer.
Notification Regarding Bye Election to Municipalities under GA(SA) Dept.
Memorandum regarding Clarification and modification in respect of DNIT vide DNIT NO.- eDT/01 /RFP/SE-I/RD 1st Circle/2019-20.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 3(Three) IPS Officers & 52(Fifty Two) TPS Officers.
Notification regarding appointment of 2(Two) IFS Officers to the Junior Administrative Grade in the Level 12 of Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Smt. Tanusree Debbarma, IAS.
Notification regarding stay order of Shri Ashis Datta, TCS Gr-II.
Memorandum regarding interview notice of Chief Operating Officer (COO) against Advt. No 2/2018.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Eleven (11) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 8(Eight) IAS officers.
Notification regarding Promotion of Shri H. Vignesh, IFS to the Senior Time Scale of IFS in the Level 11 of Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding Promotion of Shri Chandan Lal Das, IFS as CCF of IFS Super Time Scale Level 14 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding Promotion of 4(Four) IFS Officers to the Super-Time Scale post of Conservator of Forests in the Level 13A in the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding Promotion of 2(Two) IPS Officers to the IPS Selection Grade Scale of pay at the Level 13 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding Promotion of 3(Three) IAS Officers to the IAS Senior Time Scale of pay at the Level 11 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding Promotion of 7(Seven) IAS Officers to the Selection Grade Scale of pay at the Level 13 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding Appointment of Sh. R. K. Mathur, IAS as Advisor to Hon'ble Chief Minister.
Notification regarding relief from charge of Shri Sushil Kumar, IAS.
Invitation for suggestions/inputs on draft IT/ITeS Start-up Scheme-2019
Notification regarding appointment of 4(four) IAS Officers to the IAS Selection Grade Scale of pay at the Level 13 of the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding grant of supertime scale to Pradeep Kumar Chakravarty, IAS.
Notification for appointment of new Chief Secretary of Tripura.
Notification regarding grant of supertime scale to Amit Barman Ray, IAS.
Notification regarding reshuffle of 2 (Two) TCS officers.
Notification regarding grant of supertime scale to Abhishek Singh, IAS.
Notification regarding grant of supertime scale to IAS officers of 2006 batch.
Notification regarding re-employment of Shri Dipak Dasgupta, Retd. Section Officer.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 1(One) IAS officer and 7(Seven) TCS Officer.
Memorandum regarding two days nationwide strike on 8th and 9th January, 2019.
Notification regarding promotion to the Super-Time Scale post in the Level 13A of Pay Matrix for 5(Five) IFS Officers.
Notification regarding allocation of Charge as Additional Chief Secretary to Shri. Kumar Alok, IAS.
Notification regarding Pre-Qualification notice under Indo-German Development Project.
Notification regarding relinquishment of Charges of Shri Pradeep kumar Chakravarty, IAS.
Notification for public awareness regarding Educational Fair/ Career Counselling.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification for Transfer and posting of 2(Two) IAS Officers & 1(One) TCS SSG officer.
Notification for Charge allocation for Smt. Smitha Mol M.S., IAS.
Notification regarding allocation of charges among Two Additional Chief Secretary.
Notification regarding Pragati and Saksham stipend scheme during the AY 2020-21 by AICTE.
Notification regarding appointment 4(four) IAS Officers to the IAS Selection Grade Scale at the level 14 of the pay matrix.
Notification regarding appointment of Sri karnajit De, Ld. Advocate as the Addl. Government Advocate, in the High Court of Tripura.
Notification for Transfer & Posting of 13(Thirteen) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Pradip Sutradhar as Assistant Public Prosecutor under Law Department.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Jyotish Lal Debbarma in the IAS Supertime Scale of pay at the level 14 in the pay matrix.
Notification regarding repatriation from Central Deputation of Shri R. Gopala Krishna Rao.
Notification for Transfer & Posting of 3(Three) IAS Officers and 5(Five) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding Charge Allocation for Dr. Reshmi Das, TCS Gr-II as Dy. Collector (HQ) in Sabroom Sub-Division.
Notification regarding appointment of 2(Two) IAS Officers to the Supertime Scale of pay at the Level 14 of the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding Adoption of the Guideline Regarding Handling of Complaints in Departments in respect of Anonymous and pseudonymous complaints under GA(AR) Dept.
Notification regarding Revision of rate of Wages/ Remuneration of workers under the State Government establishments.
Notification regarding Revision of pay of employees and workers of Autonomous Bodies/ PSUs/ Cooperative Banks/ Agencies/ Societies and similar organizations of the State.
Notification regarding Revision of pay of fixed pay employees recruited against formal creation of posts under the State Government.
Notification regarding appointment of 4 (four) IAS Officers to the IAS Supertime Scale of pay at the level 14 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Three(3) IAS Officers.
Notification regarding Charge arrangements of one (1) IAS Officer & one (1) TCS SSG Officer.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Smti. Mini Das, TCS SSG as Addl. Director, Dept. of Science, Technology & Environment.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Dhirendra Kalai, TCS Gr-II to the charge of DPO, West and Secretary, Paschim Tripura Zilla Parishad.
Notification for Handing over of Charge to the post of Director UDD in connection with foreign training of Dr. Milind Dharmrao Ramteke, IAS.
Notification regarding Charge Allocation for Shri N. Darlong, IAS as Member, Tripura Sales Tax Tribunal & Member, Tripura VAT Tribunal, Agartala.
Notice for admission into 1(one) vacant seat in Diploma in Printing Technology Course at Regional Institute of Printing Technology, Kolkata under Education (Higher).
Notification regarding Posting of Smt. Smitha Mol, IAS as Joint Secretary, I and C Deptt.
Notification for NEC Merit Scholarship 2018-19 under Education(Higher).
Notification regarding posting of Shri V.G. Jenner, IFS as addl. Charge of CCF (Protection) & Nodal Officer (FCA & CAMPA).
Notification regarding superannuation of Shri Ratan Das, TFS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 5(Five) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Tinkhuma Darlong, TCS.
Notification regarding fixation of service charges for delivery of e-District service through Common Service Center(CSC) under Directorate of Information Technology.
Corrigendum of Notification No. F. 2(5)-LAW/EAST.2/2010(Part)/ 15427-86 under Law Department.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges among Two Senior IAS officer.
Notification regarding designation of Shri Kumar Alok, IAS as the Public Authority & First Appellate Authority in respect of the G.A(P and T) Dept.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Laihlia Darlong,IAS.
Notification regarding camp on B.Ed loan held at District Head Quarter of Tripura under Education(Higher) Dept.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri. S. Soorya Narayan, IFS.
Notification regarding promotion of 2 (Two) TCS officer to IAS cadre.
Advertisement regarding 'Know your Wildlife" webinar by Forest Department on 02.10.2020
Notification regarding posting of Shri Binoy Shankar Mishra,(IFS).
Notification regarding Guidelines for the Interest subvention scheme to promote entrepreneurship in tourism sector.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 5(Five) TCS officers.
Scholarship Calendar for the year 2019-20 for uploading application of Pre-Matric and Post-Matric Scholarship under Tribal Welfare Department.
Memorandum regarding launching of integrated government online training (iGOT) programme through massive online open courses (MOOCs) mechanism.
Notice regarding list of eligible candidates for written common aptitude test for various posts under TRLM.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Shri Shailendra Singh, IFS.
Notification for Major reshuffle of 11(eleven) IAS Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 21(Twenty One) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding taking over the charge of Education (Youth Affairs & Sports) Dept. by Dr. D Basu, IAS.
Notification for charge allocation of Science, Technology & Environment Dept. for Shri Rameshwar Das,IFS.
Notificaton regarding retirement of Shri Alok Bikash Dewan, TFS Gr-II.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Eight Stenographers.
Notification regarding charge allocation of Dr. Debasish Basu, IAS.
Memorandum regarding Submission of Immovable Property Return(IPR) for the year 2018.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Samarendra Das, IFS to the Selection Grade Scale of Pay Band-4.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 1(One) IAS Officer & 1(One) IFS Officer.
Notification issued by the Central Govt declaring the National Liberation Front of Tripura(NLFT) & All Tripura Tiger Force (ATTF) to be unlawful associations under office of the Registrar Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Tribunal.
Notification regarding fixing of fares and freights for auto rickshaws plying in the AMC area under Transport Department.
Notification regarding cancellation of appointment of Shri Amitabha Ray Barman as the Addl. Public Prosecutor under Law Department.
Notification regarding posting of Shri M. Nagaraju, IAS as Principal Resident Commissioner.
Notification regarding relinquishment of service of Ms. Sahila, IAS.
Memorandum regarding project proposals under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya- Grameen Kaushalya Yojana.
Notification regarding appointment of CEO/Dy.CEO/EO/Dy.EO of Urban Local Bodies.
Notification regarding proclamation of sale of immovable property.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Jiban Krishna Sen to the post of member under Tripura Electricity Regulatory Commission.
Notification regarding reshuffle of 3(Three) stenographers under GAP and T.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri D. Radhakrishna to the post of Chairman under Tripura Electricity Regulatory Commission.
Report of the Expert Commitee for Revision of Pay & Pension of State Government Employees 2018.
Notification regarding Approval to implement the recommendations made by the Expert Committee for New Pay Structure
Notification regarding repatriation of Shri V.G. Jenner, IFS.
Memorandum Regarding Providing of Festival Grants to all Irregular Pump Operator.
Notification regarding major reshuffle of Eleven(11) IAS and one(1) TCS Officers in administration.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of two(2) IPS officers.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Binoy Shankar Mishra, IFS to the post of Addl. PCCF of IFS Above Super Time Scale in the Level 15 of Pay Matrix.
Notification for appointment of new chief secretary of Tripura.
Notification regarding ceasing of Model Code of Conduct under Election Commission of India.
Advertisement regarding suitable franchisee for Tripura Handloom and Handicrafts Development Corporation Ltd.
Notification regarding major reshuffle of Twenty Two (22) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding major reshuffle of Nineteen (19) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding Charge Allocation for Shri Amit Shukla, IFS.
Memorandum for Opening of New Sub Head and Detailed Head under Major Head-0041 under Finance Dept.
Notification for a Committee constituted to frame a policy as well as recommending cases for withdrawal from prosecution pending before different courts in Tripura.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 6(Six) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding transfer & Posting of Shri Biswarath Debbarma, TCS, SSG.
Notification regarding Transfer and Posting of 4 (Four) TCS officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 1(One) IAS & 8(Eight) TCS officers.
Notification regarding Transfer and Posting of 1(one) IAS officer and 1(one) TCS officer. Dt.01.06.2018.
Notification for Appointment of Ms. Chandni Chandran, IAS (Probationer) of 2017 batch as Assistant Collector, Office of the D.M. & Collector, South Tripura.
Notification regarding appointment of 3(Three) IAS Officers to the Selec-tion Grade in the IAS Scale at level 13 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification for Dr.Ashok Kumar, IFS, addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests & CWLW will function as Chief Wildlife Warden.
Notification regarding Appointment of 2(Two) IFS Officers on Promotion to the post of Chief Conservator of Forests.
Notification regarding Charge allocation of Shri Prasenjit Bhattacharjee, TCS-II.
Notification regarding Charge Allocation of 2(Two) IAS Officers. Dt. 19.05.2018.
Notification regarding Charge Allocation of 2(Two) IAS Officers. Dt. 21.05.2018.
Notification for Charge allocation of 3(Three) IFS Officers.
Memorandum regarding Two year Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDM (FM) 2018-2020).
Notification regarding retirement of Shri Jagdish Singh, IFS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 6(Six) TES, Grade-I officers
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 3 (Three) IFS officers
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 1(One) IAS officer and 9(Nine) TCS officers.
Notification regarding Retirement of Shri Arupratan, IFS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 52(Fifty Two) TCS Gr-II Officers.
Notification for retirement of Shri Yatendra Kumar, IAS.
Notification for repatriation of Ms. Saumya Gupta, IAS as Special Resident Commissioner, Tripura Bhavan, New Delhi.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Shri Pradip Debbarma, TCS Gr-II.
Notification regarding Internal Complaints Committee in respect of Gazetted Officers working in the Secretariat Government of Tripura.
Notification regarding Charge Allocation of Finance Department to Shri L.K.Gupta, IAS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2(Two) TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2(Two) TES Officers.
Notification regarding Charge Allocation of Tourism Dept. to Dr. G.S.G. Ayyangar, IAS.
Notification regarding Appointment of Shri Alind Rastogi, IFS as PCCF & Head of Forest Force.
Notification regarding Appointment of Shri Ashok Kumar, IFS to the Ex-Cadre post of PCCF.
Notification Regarding Transfer & Posting of 1(One) IAS & 3(Three) IFS Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 3(Three) IPS Officers and 21(Twenty-One) TPS Officers.
Memorandum for strengthening of administration -periodical review of service records under FR 56(j)- Rule 48 of CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972.
Notification regarding Appointment of Shri Jagdish Singh, IFS, as Member, TPSC.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Shri Abhijit Biswas, TCS Gr-II.
Notification regarding repatriation of Shri Barun Kumar Sahu, IAS from Central Deputation to the govt. of Tripura in the IAS First above Supertime Scale at the level 15 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification for Major reshuffle of 5(Five) IAS Officers.
Notification regarding charge of Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Tripura will remain with Shri Ashok Kumar, IFS.
Notification regarding charge allocation of Shri Suresh Ch. Das, TCS SSG as Registrar of Cooperative Societies, Tripura.
Notification regarding Promotion of 3(Three) IFS Officers to the Super-Time Scale (HAGplus scale) at the Level 16 in the Pay Matrix.
Notification regarding re-designation of Shri Arupratan Sarma, IFS as Ex-Officio Special Secretary in RD Dept.
Notification regarding posting of Smt. Vishwasree B., IAS as Joint Secretary, GA(P and T) Dept. in addition.
Memorandum for Re-determination of Seniority - Year of allotment of SCS officer appointed- re appointed to the IAS from the Review sele-ct lists of 2007-A, 2008 & 2009 and sele-ct list of 2011.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri S.Talawar, IFS and Shri Santosh Das, TCS in absence of Shri Animesh Das,IAS.
Memorandum regarding General - Election to Panchayats, 2019 - Restrictions on fresh/ad-hoc appointment /promotion / transfer and leave etc.
Memorandum regarding General Election to the Tripura Legislative Assembly, 2018-Enforcement of Model Code of Conduct.
Notification regarding re-employment of Brig Jai Prakash Tiwari (Retd) in the post of Director, Sainik Welfare.
Notification regarding certificate of transfer of Charge.
Notification regarding re-employment on contract basis of Dr. Debasish Basu, IAS.
Memorandum regarding announcement of Amnesty programme for illegal immigrants in Malaysia.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Laihlia Darlong, IAS.
Notification regarding designation of Shri Dhan Babu Reang, TCS SSG as Public Authority under Tribal Welfare(TRP & PTG).
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to 2(Two) IAS officers.
Notification regarding Charge allocation of Shri D.K. Sharma, IFS as Addl. PCCF.
Notification regarding relinquishment of Shri Pradip De, IPS under GAP and T.
Memorandum regarding launching of integrated government online training programme through massive online open courses mechanism.
Notification regarding additional charge allocation of Shri Pratap Chakma, IAS as Ex-officio Addl. Secretary of Planning (Economics & Statistics) Dept.
Notification regarding re-designation of 4(four) IAS Officers as Additional Chief Secretary.
Notification regarding Posting of Shri Saradindu Choudhury, IAS, as Ex Officio Addional Secretary.
Notification regarding appointment of State Public Information Officer under Tripura Biotechnology council.
Notification regarding superannuation of Shri U. Venkateswarlu, IAS.
Notification regarding superannuation of Shri Jyotish Lal Debbarma, IAS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 1(one) IAS Officer and 3(three) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding superannuation of Shri Pramatha Ranjan Bhattacharjee, IAS.
Notification regarding Charge allocation of Shri Uttam Kumar Chakma, TCS SSG.
Notification regarding Deputation of Shri Uttam Mandal, TCS SSG.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 1(One) IAS Officer and 10(Ten) TCS Officer.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Sankha Subhra Datta as Grievance Redressal officer under Law Department.
Notice Inviting Quotation for Office Article under Office of the Sub-Divisional Welfare Officer, Panisagar, North Tripura.
Tender Notice for Supply of MT Spare Parts as well as job works of Unit vehicles during the year 2018-2019 under 13th Bn Tripura State Rifles (IR-IX).
Tender Notice for Supply of Stationary Items during the year 2018-2019 under 13th Bn Tripura State Rifles (IR-IX).
Tender Notice for Supply of Signal Store Items (spare parts of generator sets, battery & mechanical tools, job works etc.) during the year 2018-2019 under 13th Bn Tripura State Rifles (IR-IX).
Notification regarding Appointment of Shri Barun Kumar Sahu, IAS on promotion to the Govt. of Tripura.
Notification regarding Transfer of Charges of Shri Santanu Debbarma, TCS SSG, Managing Director, Tripura Jute Mills Limited.
Notification regarding Retirement of Shri Krishna Dulal Choudhury, IAS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Shri Tapas Bhowmik, Section Officer, Transport Dept. to the Residential Office of the Hon'ble Chief Minister.
Notification regarding Charge allocation of Dr. Milind Dharmrao Ramteke, IAS, DM. & Collector, West Tripura District Agartala as Additional Secretary to the Hon'ble Chief Minister.
Memorandum regarding collection of online tender fee and Earnest Money Deposit Management under Finance Department.
Notification regarding merit list of B. ED, D.El. Ed & Paramedical courses under Welfare of Minorities.
Notification regarding designating of SPIO and SAPIO under R.D.Department.
Notification regarding designated as Fist Appellate Authority, State Public Information Officers and Assistant State Public Information Officer under Tribal Research and Cultural Institute.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 7(Seven) IPS and 11(Eleven)TPS officers.
Memorandum regarding honorarium for holding full charge of duty of a higher post in same office or in same line of promotion
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Shri Subhasis Das, TCS Gr-I Officer.
Notification Regarding Transfer & Posting of 5(Five) TCS SSG Officer's.
Notification regarding superannuation of Shri Premananda Debbarma, IFS.
Notification regarding designating the First Appellate Authority of Law Department.
Addendum on recruitment of GRS (purely contractual) under MGNREGS in Tripura.
Notification regarding allocation of charge of SC Welfare Department to Shri Manik Lal Dey, IAS (Retired).
Guidelines for State Government for Proposing Initiative under the State Collaboration initiative under General Administration(AR) Department.
Notification regarding appointment of SPIO and SAPIO under Labour directorate.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 3 (three) TFS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 3 (Three) TFS Gr-II officers under GAPNT.
Notification regarding designation of the public authority & First appellant authority in respect of the G.A (P and T) Department.
Memorandum regarding Financial Assistance under State Collaboration Initiative(SCI) Scheme under General Administration(AR) Department.
Tender for Hiring of Vehicle for State Project Directorate, RUSA, Tripura under Education (Higher) Dept.
Memorandum for Scholarship Calendar for the Year 2018-19 under Directorate of Higher Education.
Notification regarding organizing Educational Fairs- Career Counselling for admission of Students of Tripura in various professional- Technical Courses under Directorate of Higher Education.
Notification regarding Allocation of Charges to 3(Three) IAS Officers & 2(Two) IFS Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 6(Six) IAS Officers & 9(Nine) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2(Two) TSS Officers.
Notification regarding Extension of Re-employment of Shri Balin Debbarma, Director, Employment Services & Manpower Planning.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2(Two) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 12 (Twelve) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding major reshuffle in police administration.
Notification regarding Transfer and Posting of 4(four) TCS Officer. Dt. 23.03.2018.
Notification regarding repatriation from central Deputation of 1(One) IFS Officer.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 5(Five) IAS Officers and 6(Six) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2(Two) TCS Gr-II Officers. Dt. 31.03.2018.
Notification regarding Posting of 3(Three) IAS Probationers of 2017 batch as Assistant Collectors in the Districts.
Notification regarding superannuation of Dr. Atul Kumar Gupta, IFS.
Notification regarding superannuation of Shri Geddam Samuel Raju, IFS.
Notification regarding additional charge of Shri Rahul Das, TPS Gr-II, Dy. Supdt. Of Police (Traffic) as O.S.D. to the Dy. Chief Minister.
Notification regarding release of Shri J.M.Murasing, Addl. Secretary, Law Department as Judge, Family Court, Agartala, West Tripura Judicial District.
Notification regarding appeal of Vanamahotsava-2019 by Hon’ble Chief Minister, Shri Biplab Kumar Deb.
Notification regarding appeal of Vanamahotsava-2019 by Hon’ble Forest Minister, Shri Mevar Kumar Jamatia.
Notification regarding Transfer and Posting of 2(Two) IAS Officers.
Notification for re-allocation of Charges of 7(Seven) IAS Officers, 1(IPS) Officer and 1(one) IFS Officer to Administration on 01.05.2018.
Notification for Transfer & Posting of 10(Ten) IFS Officers and 4(Four) TFS Officers.
Notification for Charge Allocation of Shri Amit Shukla, IFS.
Notification for Charge allocation of 3(Three) IAS Officers.
Notification regarding appointment of panel lawyer under Law Department.
Memorandum regarding Personal Appraisal Report manager for submission of online SPARROW w.e.f. the financial year 2018-2019- appointment and training thereof.
Notification regarding paid holiday for general election to panchayat 2019.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charges to Two TCS, SSG Officers.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri S. Sharma Roy, as the member secretary, Tripura State Legal Service Authority.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 15(Fifteen) Gr-I & Gr-II Officer's.
Memorandum regarding Post Graduate Diploma in Financial Management (PGDM(FM)) (2018-2020) at National Institute of Financial Management, Faridabad under GA (P and T) Dept.
Notification regarding repatriation from central Deputation of Shri Kumar Alok, IAS.
Notification regarding extension of the term of re-employment of Shri Balin Debbarma, IAS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of duties of senior officers of different departments.
Notification for Major reshuffle of 12(Twelve) IAS Officers.
Notification regarding Charge allocation of Superintend, Kendriya Sansodhanagar, Bishalgarh to the Sub-Divisional Magistrate, Bishalgarh.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Smti.Debbie Halam, TCS Gr-II.
Notification regarding Transfer and Posting of 2(Two) TCS officers.
Notification regarding additional charge allocation for Dr.Milind Dharmrao Ramteke, IAS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Five IAS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of One IAS officer.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 13(Thirteen) TFS Grade-II Officers.
Notification Regarding designating of Shri Pankaj Chakrabarti, Labour Commissioner as First Appellate Authority under Labour Directorate.
Speech of Prof. A. Deb Roy, President, TBSE regarding the Provisional Result of H. S. (plus 2) Exam., Madrasa Fazil (H.S. plus 2 stage), Arts Exam. and Madrasa Fazil (H.S. plus 2 stage) Theology Exam.
Speech of Prof. A. Deb Ray, President, TBSE, regarding the Provisional Result of Madhyamik (Secondary) Exam and Madrasa Madhyamik (Secondary) Exam, 2013
Notification for retirement of Shri Anil Debbarma, TFS Gr-I.
Notification regarding retirement of Shri Mrinal Kanti Nath, IAS.
Notification regarding re-employment of Shri Dhirendra Kumar Sinha, Section Officer (Grade-III).
Notification regarding repatriation from central deputation of Shri Amit Shukla, IFS.
Notification regarding Promotion of 3(Three) IAS Officers of 2009 batch of Tripura Cadre to the IAS Junior Administrative Grade Scale.
Notification regarding designating of State Public Information Officer and State Assistant Public Information Officer under Labour Department.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 1(One) IPS Officers and 2(Two) TPS Gr-II Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 3(Three) IPS Officers and 2(Two) TPS Gr-II Officers.
Notification regarding revision the rate of seat rent of the sainik Rest House.
Notification regarding Reallocation of Food CS and CA Deptt to Shri T K. Chakma, IAS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2 IFS Officers.
Notification regarding re-employment of Shri Milan Chanda, Section Officer(Grade- III of the Tripura Secretariat Service).
Notification regarding Re-employment of Shri Tushar Kanti Chakma, IAS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2(Two) TPS Gr-I Officers.
Notification regarding Additional Charge of Shri K. J. Reang, IPS.
Notification regarding Reallocation of Revenue and Tourism Deptt.
Notification regarding reallocation of charges of 3(Three) IAS Officers.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Dr Debasish Basu, IAS.
Notification regarding Charge arrangement of Director Food on 15.01.2018.
Notification regarding major reshuffle of twenty-two (22) TCS Officer
Notification regarding major reshuffle of twenty-one (21) TCS Officer.
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Page last updated date : 29-03-2025 03:02 PM
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