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Tender regarding re-modeling of ground floor of annex block of birchandra state central library, TSR barrack at Jarulbachai GP, renovation of District Disaster Management Store under RD Agartala Div.
Memorandum regarding cancellation of tender for supply of office stationary articles under BDO Kailashahar.
Notice inviting e-tender for supply and installation of ICT equipment for Directorate of Economics & Statistics, Govt. Of Tripura.
Tender Notice for procurement of few articles/equipments under o/o the Medical Superintendent. District hospital, North Tripura , Dharmanagar.
Tender regarding supply of automatic chute type half pneumatic (control panel base)under Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding construction of 7 nos RCC drain at different locations.
Tender regarding supply and installation of FRP Surya Namaskar statue at different locations.
Tender regarding completion of balance work of improvement and up gradation of road section of Udaipur to Melaghar (Technical Specifications) Under PWD.
Tender regarding completion of balance work of improvement and up gradation of road section of Udaipur to Melaghar (Bill of Quantities) Under PWD.
Tender regarding completion of balance work of improvement and up gradation of road section of Udaipur to Melaghar (Drawing & Charts) Under PWD.
Tender regarding completion of balance work of improvement and up gradation of road section of Udaipur to Melaghar (Invitation for Bid) Under PWD.
Tender regarding completion of balance work of improvement and up gradation of road section of Udaipur to Melaghar (Bidding Document Vol-I) Under PWD.
Corrigendum regarding tender "Supply of E-Rickshaw(Mahindra Alfa Mini/JEZZA, J1000,) lodaing capacity 5 (Five) passengers including driver, Drum break and all fitting and fixing complete as per direction of the Engineer-in-charge"
Tender regarding supply and serving of cooked food like Tiffin, Lunch, Dinner and drinking water to the office of the block Mission Manager (BDO), Poangbari Block, South Tripura.
Auction Notice for Unserviceable and Rotten empty Jute/Gunny Bags kept in different Govt. Food Godowns under Belonia Sub Division, South Tripura District.
Request for proposal for conducting skill development training under RURBAN Scheme in Avanga Cluster of Dhalai District under Directorate of Skill Development.
Notice Inviting Tender for hiring vehicle(2nd call) under Teliamura R.D.Block.
Memorandum regarding date extension of Project Proposal vide F.No.13(19)-RD(TRLM)/2016/2459-64 dt.07/07/2020 under Rural Development Department.
Tender regarding (3rd Call) settlement of retail vend of Foreign Liquor Shop No.2, Old RMS Chowmuhani, Agartala, Under West Tripura District.
RFP for conducting skill development Training under BADP Scheme in South Tripura District under Directorate of Skill Department.
Tender regarding procurement of office stationeries and other related, petty materials for the financial year 2020-21.
Tender regarding supply of E-Rickshaw and hiring of Maruti vehicles under Tripura Industrial Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle under Teliamura RD Block.
Short notice inviting quotation of Food Testing Laboratory, Food Lab, Bodhjungnagar.
Notice inviting quotation for Capturing of High Resolution Images of products/ produced by women Self Help Group and preparation of digital catalogue under TRLM.
Tender regarding to organize skill development training under Jubarajnagar R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply of Musical Instruments, under Charilam RD Block.
Tender regarding supply of raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (One) commercial vehicle for official use of Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd.
Memorandum regarding extension of date of submission bid submission under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya- Grameen Kaushalya Yojana.
Tender regarding Construction of 100 seated boy’s hostel attached to Jampui Class XII School under EE, R. D. Kanchanpur Division.
Tender regarding construction of TTAADC Bhawan at Old council premised, Places compound, Agartala under Tripura Housing And Construction Board.
Tender regarding supply of printed paper carry bags of different sizes.
Tender regarding conducting RPL training for the workers engaged in construction sector under BOWC.
Tender regarding supply of food like veg. meal, fish meal, chicken meal & drinking water etc for various meeting/ training of Tripura Rural Livelihood mission under BMMU Manu RD Block.
Tender regarding capturing of High Resolution Images of products/ produced by Women Self Help Group and preparation of digital catalogue.
Corrigendum regarding extension of submission of bid under Commissioner of Excise.
Notice inviting applications for appointment of Franchise/ commission agent for sale of Handloom & Handicrafts items of Tripura Handlooms and Handicrafts Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding supply of joint study desk under Pecharthal R.D. Block.
Tender for Construction of Additional Classroom and installation of desktop Computer at different locations under EE,RD,Kanchanpur Division.
Tender for Construction of Additional Classroom at different locations under EE,RD,Kanchanpur Division.
Corrigendum regarding extension of submission of bid under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding supply of Bolero vehicle under office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Gomati District.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Puneet Rastogi, IPS.
Tender regarding construction of dye house of THHDC annex office Indranagar, Agartala.
Tender regarding purchase of Generator under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding supply of office stationery and other related official items under Jampuihill R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply rates of high quality cotton cloths of different varieties, different vat dyestuff, Napthol dyestuffs, sulphur dyestuff for dyeing of cotton yarn and various chemicals under Tripura Handloom & Handicrafts Development Corporation Lt
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of country liquor shop within Unakoti District.
Tender regarding supply of fixed asset register, FTO register, work order register, demand and allocation register, jobcard register etc. under Laljuri R.D Block.
Notification regarding extension of submission of bid of Old RMS Chowmuhani Foreign Liquor Shop No.2.
Memorandum regarding extension of last date for the tender No F.6(8)/TENDER/AMP/ANP/2018-19/2871-2892 Dated, Amarpur
Notification regarding date extension of bid for Old RMS Chowmuhani Foreign Liquor Shop No.2, old RMS Chowmuhani under office of the Collector of Excise, West Tripura.
Corrigendum regarding date extension of the EOI for financial offer to lease the roof top of fifth of U.D.Bhavan complex due to Lockdown under Urban Development Department.
Tender for Const. of brick masonry retaining wall at NBRC club pond at Bordowali under amc.
Tender regarding construction of 100 seated girls hostel attached to Paiza Govt. High school under R.D. Kanchanpur Division.
Notice for quotation regarding procurement of Cloth dyes & chemicals for Tripura Handloom and Handicraft Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding supply of musical instruments under Charilam R.D. Block.
Auction notice regarding old unserviceable tyre, tube and battery under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of country liquor shop under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (one) nos. Mahindra Scorpio incl. fuel and driver for use of the Chief Engineer, MGNREGA cell, RD department.
Tender regarding procurement of web based software solution, Micro Finance- Management Information System for SHG under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding procurement of Dell Desktop Computer sets for the financial year 2020-21 under Dasda R.D Block.
Corrigendum regarding extension of submission of bid ref: DNIT No.F.II-8(1)-EX/2020/1731-34.
Tender regarding construction of fish market at Baikhora, Jolaibari, Santirbazar under Tripura Housing and Construction Board.
Tender regarding sale of raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 16th July, 2020
Tender regarding up gradation and construction under Tripura Housing and Construction Board.
Memorandum regarding extension submission of bid of proposal under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya.
Tender regarding maintenance, construction and providing earth filling and flat brick soiling under Amarpur Nagar Panchayat.
Tender regarding providing sweeping, cleaning staff and office attendant under Swavalamban.
Tender regarding providing of manpower for census-2021 under Sepahijala District.
Tender regarding construction of Fish Market and building for child welfare committee under Tripura Housing And Construction Board.
Tender regarding construction of various road and improvement of road under AMC.
Tender regarding supply of 4 Nos. sintex GBRW under Laljuri R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply of office stationeries and other related official items under Laljuri R.D.Block.
Corrigendum regarding extension of submission of bidding date of Ref- DNIT NO.F.II-8(I)-EX/2020/1731-34.
Tender regarding supply of CAG empanelled chartered accountant under Tripura Rural Development Agency.
Tender (3rd Call) regarding site for Foreign Liquor warehouse under West Tripura.
Request for proposal (2nd Call) for selection of agency for engaging manpower for implementation of MyGov-Tripura.
Tender (3rd Call) regarding settlement of 2 (Two) nos. Foreign Liquor warehouse under West Tripura.
Tender regarding invitation for submission of Project Proposals under DDU-GKY.
Tender regarding providing sweeping and cleaning staff and office attendant under Swavalamban Society.
Request for proposal for selection of Manpower Recruitment Agency to deploy professionals for Directorate of Skill Development.
Tender regarding general awareness of rural youths under Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Grameen Kaushlya Yojana.
Tender regarding supply of Sports items under Kathalia R.D. Block.
Extension of submission of bid of tender regarding supply of Bamboo Vacuum Pressure impregnation Treatment Plant.
Tender regarding construction of school building, RCC Drain, up gradation & renovation of HSC at different locations of RD Agartala Div.
Tender regarding supply of USHA Sewing Machine under Kathalai R.D. Block.
Tender regarding supply of Copper Bottle & Flask under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 30th June, 2020.
Tender regarding structural repairing/ welding of Bolero Camper bearing No. TR-01E-1002 of Tripura Fire Service.
Tender regarding construction of ownership flat at New Capital Complex under Tripura Housing and Construction Board.
Tender regarding operation & management of Restaurant/Cafeteria at the Roof top/ terrace of U.D. Bhawan, Agartala.
Tender regarding hiring of One Maruti Omni private vehicles under Dukli R.D. Block.
Tender regarding supply of Computer Set, Scanner, Printer and Tripod LCD projector Screen under Teliamura R.D Block.
Corrigendum regarding selection of project management unit for Tripura Bamboo Mission. Dated 15th June, 2020.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (One) Maruti Suzuki vehicle under Directorate of Fire Service.
Tender regarding hiring of 2 (Two) nos. Maruti Omni Van/Eco under Rural Development Department.
Tender regarding construction of public toilet near Ratan Smriti Community Hall at Anandapara ward no. 7 under Sabroom Nagar Panchayat.
Tender regarding supply of stationary items for office use fo Teliamura R.D. Block for 2020-21.
Tender regarding supply of bamboo vacuum pressure impregnation treatment plant and bamboo electrical hot air kiln dryer machine under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding supply of generator under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Melaghar Country Liquor Shop (3rd Call) under Sepahijala District.
Tender regarding hiring of private vehicles under Directorate of Handloom, Handicrafts & Sericulture.
Tender regarding supply of Computer set, scanner, printer and tripod LCD projector screen under Teliamura RD Block.
Tender for the settlement of 1 (One) retail vend of country Liquor Shop under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding hiring 2 Nos. private vehicles under the Directorate of Handloom, Handicrafts & Sericulture.
Amendment to the RFP for conducting Secroial Skill Gap Study and Impact Analysis Study on Skill Development.
Tender regarding (2nd Call) for the settlement of 1 (One) retail vend of Country Liquor Shop under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding maintenance, improvement and construction of various work under Amarpur Nagar Panchayat.
Tender regarding (3rd Call) for the settlement of unsettled foreign Liquor Warehouse under Unakoti District. Dated 17th June, 2020
Tender regarding supply of various office stationeries under Charilam R.D. Block. Dated 17th June, 2020.
Tender regarding supply of various Office Stationary Articles and other accessories for Charilam RD Block.
Tender regarding supply of Toner Cartridge for Office use of Teliamura R.D. Block for 2020-21.
Corrigendum regarding selection of Project Management Unit for Tripura Bamboo Mission. Dated 15th June, 2020.
Tender regarding supply, installation, commissioning and maintenance of RFID system, wifi systems, CCTV, Laptop, Projector, kindle books for Birchandra State Central Liabrary at Agartala & Kailashhar.
Tender regarding supply of stationary items for Office use of Teliamura R.D. Block for 2020-21.
Tender regarding sale of raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 8th June, 2020.
Corrigendum regarding extension of submission of bid date to DNIT No.F.II-8(1-EX/2020/1731-34).
Tender regarding both side printing of three fold multi-colour leaflet under Tripura State Computerization Agency.
Tender regarding sale of Eco-friendly Broom under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 8th June, 2020.
Request for Proposal regarding selection of Manpower Recruitment Agency to deploy professionals for Directorate of Skill Development.
Corrigendum regarding submission of proposal for selection of Manpower Recruitment Agency to deploy professionals under Directorate of Skill Development.
Corrigendum regarding RFP reference No 7(12)/TSCA/MyGov/2018 published on 2nd June,2020.
Corrigendum regarding RFP ref No F.7(50)/DSD/2017 Dated 27/05/2020 under Directorate of Skill Development.
Notice inviting tender for supply of cow dung, garden soil and sand under Directorate of Horticulture.
Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of Embankment with material under Tripura Handloom & Handicraft Development Corporation Ltd.
Notice Inviting Tender for procurement of ISI marked cement under Rural Development Department, Store Division.
Tender for construction of Toilet Block, Laying of flat brick soling at different locations under EE,RD,Santirbazar Div, Rural Development Department.
Detail RFP for Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of IT and non-IT Infrastructure for Data Center Migration and it's Operation and Maintenance
Corrigendum regarding conducting skill development training in AMC area under Directorate of Skill Development. Dated 26th May, 2020.
Request for proposal for conducting Sectoral Skill Gap Study and Skill Development Impact Analysis study in all 8 Districts of Tripura under Directorate of Skill Development.
Tender regarding supply of Godrej Compactor computer table and revolving computer chair under Pecharthal R.D.Block.
Corrigendum regarding conducting skill development training in AMC area under Directorate of Skill Development.
Request for Proposal for Engagement of Agency for Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of IT and non-IT Infrastructure for Data Center Migration and it’s Operation and Maintenance
Tender regarding procurement of computer hardware, server and other accessories for setting up-gradation of modern record rooms under Pecharthal revenue circles.
Request for proposal for selection of agency for engaging manpower for implementation of MyGov-Tripura under Directorate of Information Technology.
Tender regarding supply of FARGO DTC 1500 RBN, YMCKOK half panel colour ribbon with two resin black panels and cleaning kit under Office of the Chief Electoral Officer.
Tender regarding selection of Project Management Unit for Tripura Bamboo Mission.
Tender for the settlement of unsettled Foreign Liquor Warehouse under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding hiring of Maruti Van (OMNI)/Eeco or other equivalent for Office use under Tripura State Computerization Agency.
Tender regarding conducting skill development training in AMC area under Directorate of Skill Development.
Tender regarding production and supply of polyester based tamper evident security hologram labels under Office of the Commissioner of Excise.
Tender regarding supply of Drugs & Medical consumables under District magistrate & Collector, Gomati District.
Tender regarding audio recording of Tribal Folk Songs under Tribal Research and Cultural Institute.
Tender regarding supply of semi-automatic Six (6) die sanitary pad making machine setup under TRLM.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Country Liquor Shop No.1, M.G Bazar, Agartla under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding construction of 12 nos. shop with GCI Sheet roofing over the steel tubullor truss for Nagarjala Bus Stand under ward no-04, AMC.
Tender regarding systematic changes in the various facets of School Education.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Country Liquor Shop, Sekerkote under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Country Liquor Shop, Mohanpur Bazar under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of 02 (Two)nos. of Foreign Liquor Shops & 01 (One)no. of Country Liquor Shop And 3rd call for 01(One)no. of Foreign Liquor shop & 5(Five)nos. of Country Liquor Shops under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding hiring 4 (Four) Maruti Suzuki vehicle, Model- EECO (Petrol) under Directorate of Fire Service.
Notice inviting expression of interest for empanelment of imparting training providers for making of plate, spoon, cup etc under Directorate of TRP & PTG.
Tender regarding Procurement of 1st class brick & 1st class Jhama brick for the various worksites under R.D. Kanchanpur division.
Press Notice Inviting e-Tender (2nd call)for the settlement of 02 nos of foreign liquor shops & 01 no of country liquor shop and 3rd call for settlement of 01 no foreign liquor shop & 05 nos of foreign liquor shops under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding Construction of RCC drainage system, Open market shed, Sanitary Complex at different locations under R.D. Kanchanpur division.
Tender regarding Construction of Children Home and 100 seated girls hostel at different locations under R.D. Kanchanpur division.
Corrigendum regarding DNIT NO-e-DT-II/HIR-VAN/ VHE/CE/RD/ 2019-20 dt.16.03.2020 under Rural Development Department.
Tender regarding supply of office stationeries and other related petty materials.
Tender regarding Maintenance Work of Gomoti Yatri Niwas, Udaipur, under Zone-III during the year 2020-21under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding hiring of 2 nos. Maruti Omni van/ Eco incl. fuel and driver for use of Secretariat under R.D. Department.
Corrigendum regarding extension of date for Skill Gap and Impact assessment study under Directorate of Skill Development.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle for official use purpose under Laljuri R.D. Block.
Notice inviting e-tender for Construction of 11 nos OHPs at various areas of Assembly Constituency No.07,Ramnagar, under BEUP Scheme.
Tender regarding procurement of 200 KVA Automatic Voltage Controllers (Stabilizer) for Integrated Command and Control Cenlre (|CCC) at Indranagar IT Bhovcn under Agartala Smart City Limited.
Notice Inviting e-Tender for selection of Project Management Unit for TTDCL.
Tender for Improvement & Maintenance of Debendra Chandra Nagar Dumping Station Road from Agartala - Mahonpur Road (upto to 1520mtr) under AMC.
Tender regarding renovation and restoration of Ujjayanta Palace Garden and MBB college Lake revitalization including operation & maintenance under Agartala Smart City Limited.
Corrigendum regarding extension of date for EOI for engagement of Project Design and Management Consultant for Project readiness financing loan under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender for Selection of Software Development Company for development of Integrated Digital Platform for Tripura Tourism Development Corporation.
Indicative Notice Inviting e-tender for Renovation, Restoration & Maintenance of Ujjayanta Palace Garden and MBB College Lake Revitalization under Agartala Smart City.
Tender for Improvement of road by laying paver block and gard wall from the H.O Jual Roy to H.O Swapan Sutradhar at Madhyabhuban, ward no.03 under AMC.
Tender for hiring of one Maruti Eeco-AC and Maruti Ciaz under Directorate of Audit.
Corrigendum regarding Date Extension of Tender for supply of Medicine Drugs & Consumable for the year 2020-21 under District Hospital, Dharmanagar.
Project readiness financing loan for urban and tourism development in Tripura - Tourism component (p.n 53276-001 ).
Tender regarding selection of concessionaire for development of resort in Bandaur, Gomati, Tripura under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding construction and development of Tourism infrastructure at Neermahal, Siipahijal District, Tripura under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding construction and development of Tourism infrastructure at Jampui hills and Highest Peak North Tripura District, Tripura.
Tender for various Sinking & Commissioning, Formation of Roads and Construction Works under Sabroom Nagar Panchayat.
Tender regarding supply of sewing machine along with scissor, measurement tape & scale under Kathalia R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply of various sports items under Kathalia R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply of medicine under District Hospital, Dharmanagar, North Tripura.
Corrigendum regarding hiring of Maruti Ciaz or Maruti Etriga Zdi or Hyundai Verna or Honda Brv or Toyata Innova or Mahindra Xylo for office use under Directorate of Information Technology.
Tender regarding for stationary articles for General Election to the District Council, 2020, under Tribal Welfare.
Tender regarding settlement of Two retail vend of Foreign Liquor Shops and Five retail vend of Country Liquor shops under Sepahijala District.
Tender regarding sale of Raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation plantation corporation Limited. Dated 3rd November, 2020
Tender regarding audit of account of society for management of cultural complex under ICA Department.
Notification regarding major reshuffle in administration.
Tender for training providers to impart training for unemployed youth for construction workers under RD.
Tender regarding supply of ISI marked TMT bars under Rural Development Department.
Tender for training on modern practices of piggery farming as manpower development under ARDD.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Sekerkote Country Liquor Shop. Dated 31st October, 2020
Tender regarding procurement of waste bin of capacity 100 ltr with stand as per relevant IS specification under RD.
Tender for proposal for selection of Manpower Recruitment Agency to deploy professionals for Directorate of Skill Development.
Notice inviting quotation for supply of Spectacles and dentures under Rashtriya Vayoshri Yojana under Khowai District, Tripura.
Tender regarding hiring of Vehicle under Mohanpur R.D Block.
Tender regarding supply of 10 (Ten) numbers of Computer set under Inspector of Schools, Amarpur, Gomati Tripura.
Tender for hiring of Maruti CIAZ or Baleno for office use under Directorate of Information Technology, Govt. of Tripura.
Tender for hiring of vehicle VAN for office use under Tripura State Computerisation Agency (A Society of Directorate of Information Technology, Govt. of Tripura).
Tender regarding supply and installation of CCTV Surveillance Cameras in Rabindra Satabarshiki Bhawan under Information & Cultural Affairs Department.
Tender for sale of condemned vehicles under General Administration (S.A) Department.
Tender regarding supply of Cricket Goods under Agartala Municipal Corporation.
Tender for sale of the 2 (Two) Maruti Esteem vehicles under General Administration (S.A) Department.
Request for Expression of Interest for short listing of firms/ organizations for running of State Institute of Hotel Management (SIHM) in Private Public Partnership (PPP) model.
Tender (2nd Call) for the settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Country Liquor ShopNo.1 under West Tripura.
Corrigendum regarding hiring of Maruti Omni Model 2015 under Urban Development Department.
Tender (2nd Call) for the settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Country Liquor ShopNo.2 under West Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of N.S Road Foreign Liquor Shop under West Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Kamalghat Foreign Liquor Shop No.1 under West Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of H.G.B road Foreign Liquor Shop No.1 under West Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Sekerkote Country Liquor Shop under West Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Chinaihani Country Liquor Shop under West Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Battala Country Liquor Shop under West Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Mohanpur Country Liquor Shop under West Tripura.
Notice Inviting Tender for Hiring of MARUTI EECO vehicles under Office of Director Fire Service.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Surjya Chowmuhani Foreign Liquor Shop no.3 under West Tripura.
Short Notice Inviting Quotation for selection of vendor for supply, installation and commissioning of CCTV Camera along with storage, connection and other accessories for CCTV surveillance system in TTDCL office, Swetmahal, Agartala.
Tender regarding hiring of Maruti Omni under Urban Development Department.
Notice Inviting Tender for water treatment/ instrument required for State liquid Bio-Fertilizer Production Centre under Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare.
Tender for construction of RCC culvert at Chakma Aadam Chandmari on way to Buddhamandir, AMC Ward No. 06.
Tender regarding hiring of Maruti Swift (Petrol) vehicle under Chief Electoral Officer.
Tender regarding Procurement of Desktop PC, printer and UPS for the financial year 2020-21 under Dasda RD Block.
Tender for the settlement of 2 (two) nos. of foreign Liquor Shops and 6(six) nos. of Country liquor Shops under Unakoti District.
Auction of Maruti Gypsy vehicle at NIC Tripura State Centre, Agartala.
RFP regarding proposal for conducting skill development training under Rurban Mission Scheme at Avanga Cluster during FY 2020-21.
Tender regarding hiring of Maruti Omni vehicle under District Mission manager, TRLM, Bishramganj.
Tender regarding supply of computer accessories and furniture under Sub-Divisional Welfare Officer, Panisagar.
Tender regarding supply of office articles, stationeries, furnitures and computer under Sub-Divisional Welfare Officer, Panisagar.
Tender for sale of Raw Rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 18th February, 2020.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Mohanpur Country Liquor Shop. Dated 31st October, 2020
Tender regarding supply of Girls Bi-cycle under Secondary Education.
Tender regarding settlement of 02 nos. retail vend of Foreign Liquor Shops and 04 Nos. retail vend of Country Liquor Shops under Sepahijala District.
Tender Notice for Procurement of Glasswares and Plasticwares for C.V.Sc. & A.H., R.K. Nagar during the year 2021-2022.
Auction notice for disposal of 65 nos. obsolete items lying at NIC Tripura.
Tender regarding supply of computer table and revolving computer chair under Pecharthal R.D.Block.
Tender regarding maintenance of road at different place.
Tender regarding repair of National Highway at different Place.
Tender regarding innovative pig development project for North East at different location under ARDD.
Auction notice for empty barrel 10 nos. under Ga (S.A) Department.
Tender for printing & binding of books of records for SHGs/VOs under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring of Vehicle under Tripura Housing And Construction Board.
Tender for CRP Kits(Domestic Kits)under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding construction of artificial insemination laboratory and construction of modernization of polyclinic/veterinary hospital under Tripura Housing and Construction Board.
Tender regarding construction of new office building for Tripura Commission for Women at Agartala Phase II under Tripura Housing And Construction Board.
Notice inviting Tender for Construction Community Hall at Pitra Para under Dewanbari Village Of Killa RD Block under RD Udaipur Div.Vide PNIT No. PT-11/EE/RDUD/G/2019-20
Notice inviting Tender for Construction of Masonry Well, Toilet and Kitchen Shed, Boys and girls Toilet, Cultural centre including waiting shed at different location under RD Kanchhanpur Division. Vide PNIT No:ePT27/EE/RD/KCP/DIV/19-20
Tender for sale of Raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Notice inviting Tender for Const. of Additional Classroom,Mushroom cum Spawn Production centre, Agri Market shed,Retaining wall at different locations under RD Kanchanpur Division.Vide PNIT NO: ePT28/EE/RD/KCP/DIV/2019-20
Tender for Construction and development of Tourism Infrastructure at Surmacherra, Dhalai District, Tripura.
Tender for Construction and Development of Tourism Infrastructure at Matabari, Gomati District, Tripura.
Tender for Construction and Development of Tourism Infrastructure at Neermahal, Sepahijala District, Tripura.
Tender for Construction and Development of Tourism Infrastructure at Avangcharra, South Tripura District, Tripura.
Tender for Construction and Development of Tourism Infrastructure at Chottakhola, South Tripura District, Tripura.
Tender for Supply of Hardware,Tiles & Marble,Water supply ,Sanitation ,Aluminium,PVC items and Transportation of RD materials at different locations under EE,RD, Kumarghat Division.
Tender for Construction and Development of Tourism Infrastructure at Jampui Hills and Highest Peak, North Tripura District, Tripura.
Auction notice for selling of 2nos of condemned Dist. Administration vehicles under Office of the District Magistrate & Collector, Unakoti District.
Tender regarding procurement of Computer Server and other Accessories under Pecharthal R.D.Block.
Tender for Construction of 100 seated girls school, DIET Building at different Locations under, RD, Kanchanpur Division.
Tender regarding supply of cooked food & drinking water under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding supply of Gym Accessories, under Charilam R.D. Block.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Country Liquor Shop No.1.
Tender for fitting fixing of guddi gudda board and procurement of aluminium doors,windows, partition, etc at different blocks under gomati districts.
Tender regarding supply, construction and installation of Agartala City Gates at Khayerpur road under Agartala Smart City.
Tender for supply, installation & commissioning of CCTV Camera along with storage, connection and other accessories for CCTV Surveillance system in TTDCL Office, Agartala.
Tender regarding construction of new office building for Tripura commission for women under Tripura Housing and Construction Board.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 no. of MandM scorpio vehicle under Tripura Housing and Construction Board.
Tender regarding auction of 2(Two) nos. condemned vehicles under General Administration (S.A) Department.
Tender Notice for Procurement of Weighing Balance in the C.V. Sc. & A.H., R.K. Nagar during the year 2021-2022.
Tender regarding sale of Raw Rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 7th October, 2020
Tender for sale of RAW rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation corporation Limited.
Tender for settlement of 3(Three) nos. retail vend of Foreign Liquor Shop & 1 (One) no. retail vend of Country Liquor shops under Sepahijala District.
Memo regarding procurement of sports goods under Padmabil R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply of Home-made cooked food & Package drinking water under TRLM.
Memorandum regarding cancellation of some tenders due to single bidding documents under Agartala Municipal Corporation.
PNIT vide No.F.3(12)/DUZ/CON-VEH/2019-20/796 Dated: 09/1/2020 the last date of receiving of Notice Inviting Auction Tender from the eligible bidders in connection for 2(two) nos. of condemned vehicles of the Unakoti District Administration is extended up
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Battala Liquor Shop No.1, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender regarding upgradation of Albert Ekka Park and beautification of Post Office Junction under Agartala Smart City.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Math Chowmuhani, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at M.G.Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop No.1, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for Construction of Tourist Information Centre at Arrival Lounge of Integrated Check Post at Akhaura, Agartala during the year 2019-20 under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender for the settlement of 16 (Sixteen) Nos. of Foreign Liquor Shop and 9 (Nine) Nos. of Country Liquor Shop.
Tender for Foreign Liquor Shop at Colonel Chowmuhani, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend RMS Chowmuhani Foreign Liquor Shop No-2.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Narsingarh Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Surjya Chowmuhani, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Motorstand, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop-4.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Battala Liquor Shop No.2, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Pratapgarh Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend Battala Foreign Liquor Shop No-4, Agartala.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Camper Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Mohanpur Bazar, Mohanpur under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Paradise Chowmuhani, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at M.G.Bazar, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Old RMS Chowmuhani, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Surja Chowmuhani Foreign Liquor Shop No.1.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of H.G.B Foreign Liquor Shop No.1.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Surja Chowmuhani Foreign Liquor Shop No.2.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop No.3.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Melarmath Foreign Liquor Shop.
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Page last updated date : 29-03-2025 03:02 PM
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