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Notification regarding major reshuffle of fifteen (15) TCS Officer
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 4(four) TCS Officers.
Memorandum regarding General Election to Tripura Legislative Assembly, 2018- Model Code of Conduct- regarding (in continuation to Memorandum)
Notification regarding declaration of Paid Holiday to 28th January, 2018 & 11th March, 2018 on the day of Pulse Polio Immunization Programme.
Notification regarding major reshuffle of 29 (Twenty Nine) Nos of TPS Officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 11 (Eleven) TCS officers.
Notification Regarding Annual Publication of the list of Notaries, according to Section 6 of the Notaries Act, 1952
Memorandum Regarding Taking Over the Charge of Director General, Fire Service, Tripura.
Memorandum regarding clarification of recovery/ reimbursement/refund under Revenue and Capital Expenditure Head of Account.
Memorandum regarding Transfer of Tripura Road Development Cess to Reserve Fund under Finance Department.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 3(Three) IPS Officer.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 1(One) IAS Officer and 1(One) TCS Officer.
Notification regarding transfer & posting of 2(Two) TPS Officers.
Memorandum regarding Ban order for Bye-Election to 14-Badharghat(SC) Assembly Constituency.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2(Two) TCS Gr-I Officers.
Notification regarding paid holiday under the jurisdiction of 14-Badharghat (SC) Assembly Constituency Bye-Election.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Additional Secretary, Home Department.
Notification regarding appointment of Smt. Banumathi G. IFS to the post of Deputy Secretary in the dept. of Biotechnology, Delhi.
Memorandum regarding shortlisted candidates for GD and PI under Rural Development Department.
Notification regarding voluntarily retirement of Shri Lalit Kumar Gupta, IAS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of six(6) Stenographers.
Notification regarding designation of Shri Rupan Debbarma as First Appellate Authority.
Notification of Tripura State Pollution Control Board indicating the location and Districts functioning from the offices of the respective District Scientific Officers, Department of Science and technology and Environment
Memorandum of modified service tax rate under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
Notification regarding formation of District Council Level Monitoring and Review Committee of the TTAADC for conducting regular monitoring and review of implementation of a project.
Memo regarding various schemes-projects, sanctioned by Government of India to Autonomous District Council for Different Departments.
Minutes of The Pre-Bid meeting held in the chamber of Chief Executive Officer, TTAADC, Khumulwng On 03.07.2015 At 12:30 Pm.
Zone wise Districts Subdivisions,Blocks, Sub Zone wise ADC, Village reorganized by Executive Committee of TTAADC
Circulation of Village Committee
Notification for newly constituted Nagar Panchayat Committees of Panisagar.
Notification for newly constituted Nagar Panchayat Committees of Mohanpur
Notification for newly constituted Nagar Panchayat Committees of Melagarh
Notification for newly constituted Nagar Panchayat Committees of Jirania
Gazette notification creating new Jirania block
Gazette notification creating new Mohanpur block
Gazette notification creating new Melagarh block
Gazette notification creating new Panisagar block
New area circulated in Agartala Municipal Council
Application form for sanction of Post Matric Scholarship for SC,OBC Students
Special Package for Welfare of Minorities 2013-14 to 2017-18
Shri S.M. Das, Managing Director, is designated as the First Appellate Authority of the Tripura Minorities Cooperative Development Corporation Ltd.
Regulations governing the central sector scheme of national overseas scholarship for SC etc. candidate for xII plan period (2012-2013- 2016-17
Application form of Pre-Matric scholarship for SC students (classes for IX & X)
Application form for sanction of Post Matric Scholarship for Scheduled Caste Students
Education loan Application Format
List of Scheduled Castes in the State
List of OBC in Tripura as Approved by the Government of India
Block Wise Gram Panchayat Wise List of Special Component Plan (SCP) Villages
Memorandum regarding Recruitment- Selec-tion process as per New Recruitment Policy.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of Shri Amal Kishore Debbarma, Deputy Secretary, GA (Political) Dept.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 2(Two) TCS Gr-II officers. Dt. 28.11.2017.
Notification for Transfer & Posting of Shri Ananda Hari Jamatia, TCS Gr-I.
Notification regarding Transfer and Posting of 3(Three) IAS Officers and 2(Two) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding re-employment of Shri Samarjit Bhowmik, IAS.
Programme for Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2016.
Programme for Madrasa Fazil Higher secondary Examination 2016, General stream course.
Programme for Madrasa Fazil Higher secondary Examination, 2016.
Programme for Higher Secondary Examination, 2016.
Programme for Madrasa Fazil Higher Secondary(2stage) Arts Examination,2015
Programme for Madrasa Fazil Higher Secondary(2stage) Technology Examination,2015
Programme for Higher Secondary(2stage) Examination,2015
Programme for Madrasa Alim (Secondary) Examination,2015
Programme for Madrasa Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination),2015
Programme for Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination),2015
Revised Programme for Madrasa Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination) , 2014
Revised Programme for Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2014
Revised Programme for Madrasa Fazil (HS Plus 2 Stage) Theology Examination, 2014 (General Stream Course)
Revised Programme for Madrasa Fazil (HS Plus 2 Stage) Arts Examination, 2014 (General Stream Course)
Revised Programme for Higher Secondary,( Plus 2 Stage) Exam. 2014 (General Stream Course)
Revised Programme for Madrasa Alim (Secondary) Examination,2014
Abstract Result of Tripura Joint Entrance Examination 2013
TBSE result abstract (Provisional) of Madhyamik (Secondary) Exam and Madrasa Madhyamik (Secondary) Exam, 2013
TBSE result abstract (Provisional) of H. S. (plus 2) Exam., Madrasa Fazil (H.S. plus 2 stage), Arts Exam. and Madrasa Fazil (H.S. plus 2 stage) Theology Exam.
Memorandum regarding new sale price of treated rubber wood and solid rubber wood board under TFDPC Ltd.
24th Final list for Tripura Industries & Commerce, Fair 2014
Stall allotment procedure in 24th Tripura Industries & Commerce Fair, 2014
Growth of Nursing
TCS and TPS preliminary result,2014 to 2015.
Main Examination Result for TCS & TPS, Grade-II, 2012-13
TCS & TPS Grade-II 2012-13, Result of the Mains Exam.
Notification for consumer Grievance Redressal Forum and appointment of Ombudsman.
Tariff schedule for the financial year 2014-15 in telescopic mode
Notification for National Environment Awareness Campaign Programme 2014-15
Notification for participating schools, NGOs of NEAC 2013-2014
Schedules of South Tripura and Gomati District Level Workshop with Teacher-in-Charge of 900 Eco Club Schools
Schedules of Khowai and Dhalai District Level Workshop with Teacher-in-Charge of 900 Eco Club Schools
Schedules of North Tripura and Unakoti District Level Workshop with Teacher-in-Charge of 900 Eco Club Schools
Schedules of West Tripura and Sepahijala District Level Workshop with Teacher-in-Charge of 900 Eco Club Schools
Checking the noise pollution
Authority for regulating the use of loud Speaker
Notification regarding ban on plastic carry bags in Tripura
E-Governance Roadmap
Notification regarding commencement of various services under Revenue Department.
DM, Gomati issued an urgent notification for movement of miscreants and anti social elements carrying Arms, Explosive across the international Border
DM, Gomati issued an urgent notification for banned certain fire works
DM Khowai issued an urgent notification for depositing all fire arms and ammunitions
DM Gomati issued an urgent notification for depositing all fire arms and ammunitions
DM West issued an urgent notification for depositing all fire arms and ammunitions
Notification regarding appointment of 4(Four) IAS Officers to the Selec-tion Grade in the IAS Supertime Scale of pay at level 14 in the Pay Matrix.
Training Manual of Disaster Management
Training Manual for First Aid Teams GOI-UNDP Disaster Risk Management Programme
Advertisement for Appointment of Ombudsman under MGNREGA.
Memorandum regarding Job Advertisement No. 02-2016 of TRLM.
Memorandum regarding deputation as Accounts Officer in State Level Monitoring Cell of SGSY, RD.
Memorandum regarding the Revised General Employment Guidelines issued by GA(P and T) Dept. for filling up of 214 nos. Group C" vacant posts under Rural Development Dept.
Notice regarding extension of last date for receipts of application for the post of Block Resource Person (BRP) under Rural Development Department.
Details of account and related information of Executive Engineer, RD Store Division to deposit cost of materials through e-FMS under MGNREGA
Notification regarding posting of Shri Arupratan Sarma, IFS as Ex-Officio Special Secretary in the Rural Development Dept.
Notification regarding Charge Allocation for Shri N.Darlong, IAS.
Notification regarding relieve of Dr. Rakesh Sarwal, IAS for central deputation.
Notification regarding Posting of Shri Atanu Saha, TFS-Gr-II.
Notification for recruitment to the contractual posts of the State Mission Management Unit of Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission
Memorandum on enhancement of wages for unskilled worker under MGNREGA
Minutes of review meeting of RD Department held on 24-02-2014
FAA, SPIO & SAPIO of State Mission Management Unit, TRLM
Social audit bid evaluation committee meeting to be held on 15th January
Government created thirteen New blocks,notification there of
List of Chairperson & Vice-Chairperson of Village Panchayats
Chairpersons & Vice-Chairpersons of Intermediate Level Panchayats
Block Wise Population of West Tripura District
Block Wise Population of South Tripura District
Block Wise Population of North Tripura District
Block Wise Population of Dhalai District
Notification for Appointment of Sri G.Kameswara Rao(Retd. IAS Ex- Chief Secretary) as the State Election Commissioner, Tripura.
Appointment of Sri Kishore Ambuly, IAS Secretary to the Govt. of Tripura, Transport etc. departments as the State Election Commissioner of the State Panchayat Election Commission, Tripura
Notification for Shri Sajal Kr. Das, Sr. Scientific Officer is designated as State Public Information Officer for Directorate of Science, Technology & Environment Dept.
Notification regarding the designation of State Public Information Officer (S.P.I.O) for the Office of the the Scientific Officer, Department of Science, Technology & Environment.
Notification regarding designation of First Appellate Authority and State Public Information Officer under Department of Science, Technology & Environment.
Notification of Dr. Honnareddy N designated as First Appellate Authority.
Memorandum for constitution of Kamala Sagar conservation and protection committee.
Notification on Complete Ban on Plastic Carry Bags
Notification for Constitution of Kalyan Sagar Conservation and Development Committee.
Memorandum on Conservation and Protection of Water bodies regarding.
Pradhan Mantri Jeevan Jyoti Bima Yojana
Ban Order for Panchayat Election, 2014
Schedule for General Election to 3-Tier panchayats and Bye-Election to the causal vacancies of Municipalities
Former DG Pranay Sahaya appointed as member of police accountability commission
Supreme Court order on Red Light with Flash
Notification to re-fix the rate of fare for the Stage Carriage (Ordinary Bus Service, Express Bus Service, Mini Bus Service, City Bus Service), Public Carriage (Goods Transport) and Contract Carriage (Jeeps, Taxies, Cars, Maruti Omni & Auto Rickshaw) etc.
Warning signs (Mandatory)
Traffic signs (Mandatory)
Notification on the revision of rates of Road Tax of different categories of Motor Vehicles as specified in enclosed Schedule-I & II.
SMS based service to customer
Notification regarding appointment of FAA, SPIO and ASPIO under Tribal Research And Cultural Institute. Dated 8th August, 2016
Notification for appointment of five officers as FAA, SPIO and ASPIO.
Educational Notification TJEE 2015 Examination Date, Distribution and Submission of Application Forms.
Programme for Madrasa Alim (Secondary) Examination, 2016.
Programme for Madrasa Madhyamik Pariksha (Secondary Examination), 2016.
Appointment of Janardhan Bhattacharjee as Addl. P. P. cancelled by Law Department
Notification appointing Secretary, Tripura Legislative Assembly
Advocate Smt. P Sinha appointed as a Lawyer of Juvenile Justice Board, Kailashahar
Advocate K.B.Deb appointed as APP in the court of Judicial Magistrate Kailashahar
Resignation of Mr Manash Ranjan Pathak, Advocate Guwahati High court has been accepted by Governor of Tripura
Notification regarding Appointment of Shri Lalit Kumar Gupta, IAS as Chief Secretary to the Govt. of Tripura.
Notification of the appointment of Shri Bijan Chandra Das, Senior Advocate General for the state of Tripura
Notification of the remuneration of the Advocate General for the State of Tripura
Notification on Public Utility Services
Notification on Programme Schedule for Celebration of Independence Day,2013 Agartala
Tripura Marching Ahead (1972-2012) (English)
Tripura Winning Awards and Recognitions (English)
Re-construction of Tripura State Planning Board
Eleven officers awarded Silver Medals and Four officers awarded Bronze Medals by the Registrar General and Census Commissioner of India
North Eastern Region Vision 2020-Annexures ( Volume III)
Notification regarding Second Maha Lok Adalat under Law Departmet.
Notification regarding resignation of Shri. Pradeep Kumar Kushwaha Under Law Department.
Annual Publication of the list of Notaries, appointed by the Govt. of Tripura for the Year 2017.
Notification regarding resignation of Smti Shivika Choudhary under Law Department.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Dilip Dey under Law Department.
Memorandum regarding expression of willingness for holding the charge of Head of Office and DDO in (THRC).
Notification regarding promotion of Shri. Data Mohan Jamatia.
Memorandum regarding new Panel of Lawyers made by State Government under Law Department.
Notification regarding appointment of the Judges under three Family Courts.
Notification regarding appointment of Three Judicial Officers under LAW Department.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Dilip Chandra Nath as a Standing Counsel to conduct the cases relating to Sales Tax.
Notification regarding nomination of Mr. Justice S.C. Das as the executive chairman and Superannuation of Mr. Justice U. B. Saha.
Appointment of Notary for Agartala, Jampuijala, Karbook, Panisagar, Belonia, Kamalpur, Dharmanagar, Sabroom, LT Valley & Kanchanpur Sub-divisions -Notice inviting Objection
Notification for partial modification of the departments Notification No.F.3(6)-LAW-LEG-98 dt.1st July,1998 under Law Department.
Notification for Smt. Madhumita Chakraborty, Ld. Advocate, Udaipur Bar, Gomati District as Assistant Public Prosecutor for the court of the Executive Magistrate in Udaipur.
Notification regarding appointment of Asstt.Public Prosecutors under Law Department.
Notification for Shri Bamdeb Majumder re-employed as Secretary, Tripura Legislative Assembly for further one year under Law (Parliamentary Affairs) Department.
Notification for appointment of Smt.Sankari Das as Judge of Family Court of Agartala.
Notification regarding appointment of Five Special Public Prosecutors.
Notification regarding appointment of Three Advocates as Assistant Public Prosecutors.
Notification regarding appointment of Ms. Dorothy Jamatia to Tripura Judicial Service.
Notification for Appointment of Ms. Dorothy Jamatia to Grade-III of the Tripura Judicial Service Temporarily.
Notice Inviting application for appointment of Notary public under Law Department.
Law Department invites application for appointment of Notary Public
Notification regarding appointment of Shri. Asim Bhattacharjee as Additional Public Prosecutor of Kailashahar, Unakoti District.
Notification regarding setting up of district level commercial court.
Memorandum regarding program for proposed legislation and other Government Business for the next session (10th Session) of the 11th Tripura Legislative Assembly.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Vishwajeet Pandey as Judge , Family court Udaipur, Gomati judicial District.
Law (Parliamentary Affairs) Department invites Government Businesses for the upcoming 9th Session of 11th Tripura Legislative Assembly.
Notification for designating the First Appellate Authority of Law Department.
Notification continuing the appointment of Shri Dilip Chandra Nath as Standing Counsels of Sales Ttax Cases for further one year.
Notification imposing penalty upon Shri Jesthamani Murasingh, TJS Gr-I.
Notification regarding compulsory retirement form service of Shri Prakash Chandra Biswas.
Memorandum for Shri Sopan Chaudhuri, appointed as Liaison Officer for the Law Department.
Notification for appointment on promotion of Three Grade One Judicial Officers.
Notification for appointment of Shri Prakash Kumar, Principal Counsellor, Family Court, Agartala, West Tripura.
Memorandum of program for proposed legislation and other Government Business for the next Session (8th Session) of the 11th Tripura Legislative Assembly.
Notification for Sri Debaradhan Jamatia, Ld. Advocate is appointed as A.P.P.
Law (Parliamentary Affairs) Department invites government businesses for the 7th Session of 11th Tripura Legislative Assembly.
Payment of fees to the Supreme Court lawyers from the Law Department through a single windoiw system
Effect of Cr.P.C Tripura Eighth Amendment Act, 2009 is extended for a further period of one year w.e.f 25.12.2014
Notification for new SAPIO in the Law Department
Notification for Appointment of Sri Dilip Chandra Nath, Advocate of sales Tax in the High Court of Tripura.
Notification for extending the local limit of jurisdiction of Kailashahar Family Court upto Kumarghat Revenue Sub-division
Notification regarding transfer and posting of two TCS officers
Proforma for sending government businesses
Parliamentary Affairs Department invites government businesses from all departments for next Session of Tripura Legislative Assembly
Notifications for new Judicial Districts
Resignation of Sri Pralay Ch. Debnath, Advocate, as Asstt. Public Prosecutor, Karbook is accepted by the State Govt.
Biplab Debnath, Advocate, is appointed as Additional Public Prosecutor
Invitation to the Inaugural Ceremony of New Court Building at Sonamura on 6th August, 2014
Notification of appointment of assistant public prosecutors
Notification appointing Shri J.Murasingh and Shri Goutam Sarkar in Grade-I of Tripura Judicial Service on promotion
Law Department issued Notifications establishing Courts of Judicial Magistrate and Civil Judge (Junior Division) at L.T.Velley and Gandachara Sub-divisions
Law Department issued Notification appointing eleven new Grade-III Tripura Judicial Service Officers
Notice Inviting Quotations for refilling, re-manufacturing of Tone Cartridges of Printers & Photocopier
Notification regarding Relieve of Shri Sanjeev Ranjan, IAS to the Govt. of India, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways, New Delhi.
Meeting Notice for Digi-Dhan Mela - Tripura
Responses to TSDC O and M RFP Pre-Bid quries
Notification regarding Interview for the post of State Project Manager under CSC 2.0 project.
Model Format for Monitoring of Children Home under(ICPS)
Memorandum for Introduction of Revenue model for updating of the Tripura State portal and Departmental Website.
Pre-Bid Conference Responses for Expansion of Common Services Centres (CSCs) scheme in Self-Sustainable Financial Framework.
TSDC Cloud Pre-Bid Responses 27072015 v1.1.
Notification regarding Retirement of Shri Manik Lal Dey, IAS. Dt.29.08.2018.
Notification for e-District Service Launch in Tripura
Announcing the Launch of 4 new Services Under SSDG Online Platform.
Appointment of three Joint Directors (Group-A, Gazetted) on promotion in Directorate of Information Technology
Technical and Financial Support for Establishment of State Wide Area Network
Measures to curb the menace of counterfeit and refurbished information technology products
Implementation of The Common Services Centers Scheme
E-Governance Roadmap - Volume II
Detailed Project Report (DPR) on Capacity Building
Capacity Building and Institutional Framework for e-Governance
Notification regarding designation of some Officers as the SPIO and SAPIO under Labour Department.
Notification regarding Variable Dearness Allowance (VDA) of Rice Mills under Labour Department.
Pension to the Registered Construction Workers.
Notification for appointment of SPIOs and SAPIOs under Labour Department.
Notification for appointment of Sri S.K. Das, Labour Commissioner as First Appellate Authority.
Notification for paid holiday for the private sectors employees
Notification regarding exam Schedule of Typing Test under Directorate of Employment Services & Manpower Planning.
Revised Notification of first Appellate Authority SPIOs and ASPIOs reg.
Name of the candidates from Tripura for training at CIPET, Imphal.
Digi Dhan Mela - Tripura Contest
Memo on three days consecutive Holiday
Dr. keshab Chakraborty Gr-IV of THS has been appointed as SPIO in the office CMO(West),Agartala
Development in Hospital Sector
Best Practices in Health Sector
Result for the List of candidates as recommended for appointment to the post of FIREMAN under the Directorate of Fire Service.
Notification for Offer of Appointment of 19 DRIVERS of Fire Service Department
Notification of Shri. Santanu Debbara designated as First Appellate Authority.
24 Police Stations in Tripura as disturbed in full and 6 Police Stations as disturbed in part
Notification regarding Release of Smt. Banumathi G. from the State Government post of Director (A&F) and Director (P&I), Tripura JICA Project.
Notification for Black listing of M.s Ramaco Coaches, 1 Bijoy Bose Road, Kolkata, West Bengal.
Departmental Proceeding in TSR-5th Bn.
Notification on traffic restriction and regulatory arrangement in connection with celebration of Independence Day,2013
25 Police Stations in Tripura as disturbed in full and 7 Police Stations as disturbed in part
Information regarding Private Security Agencies
Assistance to victims of terrorist and communal violence
Publication of Notice for Interview of LDC- Cashier under Department of Industries & Commerce.
Memorandum for the Type Writing Test date is postponed under Directorate of Industries & Commerce.
Memorandum of Tripura Industrial Development Corporation Ltd
Tripura State Hood Day Celebration: Inaugural Programme Schedule
Views of Chief Minister, Tripura on the proposed Planning Commission, meeting on 7th December,2014 at 10.30 AM,Panchavati,7 Race Course Road, New Delhi
CM calls on Prime Minister, discusses development issues
Tripura got marginally hiked in States annual plan allocation for the 2013-2014 financial year
Notification on Promotion of Subedars of TSR Bns. and Inspectors of police to TPS Gr.II (Group A, Gazetted)
Notification of transfer and posting of ten TCS Gr-II officers
Notification of Transfer and Posting of Seven TCS officers
Notification of transfer and posting of six IFS and TFS officers
Notification of transfer and posting of six IPS and TPS Gr- I and II officers
Notification of transfer and posting of two Officers
Notification of transfer and posting of three TCS Officers, Dated 4 May, 2013
Notification of Appointment of Shri Anish Prasad, IPS as Supdt. of Police in Central Bureau of Investigation, on deputation basis and accordingly released from the State Govt.
Notification of Transfer and Posting of Five TCS officers
New Govt. order re-allocating the four departments among the Addl. Chief Secretary, Principal Secretary, Secretaries
Notification of transfer and posting of Shri Jitendra Kumar Sinha, IAS
Notification of allotment of the officers appointed to IAS by promotion(Non-SCS category) from Lists of 2007, 2008 and 2011
Notification of Transfer and Posting of TCS officers
Notification of Transfer and Posting of two TCS officers Gr.II
Notification of Transfer and Posting of IPS and TPS officers
Notification of Transfer and Posting of ten TCS officers Gr.II
Flag Code of India -2002
Notification regarding holiday on 21st Dec, 2016(Wednesday) for Panchayats bye-election.
Notification regarding declaration of holiday (Birth day of Prophet Mohammad) on 12th Dec, 2016 instead of 13th Dec, 2016.
Notification regarding Holiday on 19th Nov, 2016 during the ensuing Bye-Election to Assembly Constituencies under GA(SA) Dept.
Notification regarding Holiday on 19th Nov, 2016 during the ensuing Bye-Election to T.T.A.A.D. Village Committees under GA(SA) Dept.
Notification regarding declaration of Public Holiday of Id-ul-Zuha (Bakrid) on 13th September, 2016 (Tuesday) instead of 12th September, 2016 (Monday).
Notification regarding declaration of Govt. Holiday on 8th October, 2016 on account of Maha Ashtami for all Financial Institution situated in Tripura.
Notification regarding declaration of Govt. Holiday on 24th February, 2016 for ADC Village Committee Election.
Notification for Holiday on 9th December,2015(Wednesday) during General Election to Municipalities and Bye-Election of Panchayats, 2015.
Notification for Government-s Holiday for the year 2016.
Notification of Govt. Holiday on June 27, 2015 for bye Election.
Notification Related to 39 Manu Assembly Constituency.
Govt. Holiday on July 15, 2014 for Panchayat Election-2014
Govt. Holiday on 7th & 12th April for Election
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