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Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Motorstand Foreign Liquor Shop No.2.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Sakuntala Road, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Battala Foreign Liquor Shop No.3.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at APO Chowmuhani, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of N.S Road Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Kaman Chowmuhani, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of H.G.B Road Foreign Liquor Shop-2.
Tender regarding Supply, Installation, Commissioning & Maintenance of PWC/Water Scooter/ Jet Ski at various tourist locations of TTDCL along with Annual Maintenance Contract(AMC) on SLA basis during the year 2020-21.
Tender for foreign liquor shop at Lake Chowmuhani, Agartala under Office of the Collector of Excise.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Country Liquor Shop No.2.
RFP inviting experienced agencies to submit proposals to conduct Sectoral Skill Gap Study and Impact Analysis Study across all the districts of Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Usha Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Sekerkote Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Mohanpur Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Ranir Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Barakathal Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Jirania Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Hapania Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Durga Chowmuhani Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Chandrapur Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Bankumari Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Gurkhabasti Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Dropgate Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Kamalghat Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Gandhigram Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Mandwai Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Dukmali Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Banikya Chowmuhani Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Chinaihani country Liquor Shop, Usha Bazar.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Jogendranagar Country Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Ranirbazar Country Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Battala Country Liquor Shop, Agartala.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Sekerkote Country Liquor Shop. Dated 15th January, 2020.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Country Liquor Shop no-2, Agartala.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Country Liquor Shop, Agartala.
Tender regarding repair, renovation and maintenance of Health Sub-Centre at various place under PWD.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Taranagar Country Liquor Shop.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of Mohanpur Country Liquor Shop. Dated 15th January, 2020.
Tender for Construction of dormitory with kitchen cum store, toilet cum bathroom with water storage tank for 30(thirty) person at Manu Chailengta RF(08 Units) under R.D.Kanchanpur Division.
Tender regarding replacement of existing bailey bridge by RCC bridge over Localcherra under PWD.
Tender for construction of Box culvert, community hall, boundary wall, Bathing ghat at different locations under EE,RD, Kumarghat Division.
Construction of dormitory with kitchen cum store, toilet cum bathroom with water storage tank for 30(thirty) person at Manu Chailengta RF under Dasda RD Block.
Tender regarding settlement of One retail vend of Foreign Liquor shop and Five retail vend Country Liquor Shops under West Tripura District.
Tender for construction of School building, Water tank, Sinking of Minideep tube well at different locations under EE,RD, Kumarghat Division.
Notification regarding settlement of Foreign Liquor and country liquor shop under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding construction of cycle stand, sitting room and up-gradation/ extension of Jirania Hospital under PWD.
Cancellation Notice regarding supply of few medical articles/ equipments and B type oxygen cylinders and etc. under 0/0 the Medical Superintendent, District Hospital, North Tripura, Dharmanagar.
Notice Inviting Tender for supply of Steel Table for office use only under Belbari R.D. Block, West Tripura.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of foreign liquor and country liquor shops under Sepahijala District.
Notice inviting proposal for for introducing best practices to bring systematic changes in the various facets of school education.
Invitation of submission of Project Proposal under DDU-GKY.
RFP for running of State Institute of Hotel Management(SIHM) in PPP Mode under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding Supply, Installation & Commissioning of Diesel Generator Set of various capacities for different tourist locations of TTDCL during the year 2020-21under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding sale of Raw Rubber. Dated 26th December, 2019.
Tender regarding Maintenance Work of Eden Tourist Lodge, Vanghmun, under Zone-II during the year 2020-21under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding Maintenance Work of Geetanjali Tourism Guest House, Agartala, under Zone-I during the year 2020-21under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding Maintenance Work of Juri Tourist Lodge, Dharmanagar, under Zone-II during the year 2020-21under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding Maintenance Work of Unakoti Tourist Lodge, Kailasahar, under Zone-II during the year 2020-21under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding up-gradation of Madhya Pilak, Kalashi, South Jolaibari and Abangcherra sub-centre into Health and wellness centres.
Tender regarding hiring of One No. Bolero and 2 No. Maruti Van under PWD.
Tender regarding replacement of bailey bridge by RCC bridge over Gangacherra under PWD.
Tender for maintenance of road under Sonamura Division, PWD(R&B).
Tender for construction of road under Amarpur Division, PWD(R&B).
Tender for Ordinary repair of NH-8 under NH Division,Kumarghat, Unakoti PWD(R&B).
Tender for Upgradation of Sub-center and Health and wellness centers under Sonamura Division, PWD(R&B).
Notice inviting quotation for supplying the Musical Instruments, Ban Party Set & Kirttan Set under Padmabil R.D. Block.
Tender for the settlement of retail vend of H.G.B Road Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding supply of various Office Stationary Articles and other accessories for Panisagar Nagar Panchayat Nagar Panchayat.
Tender regarding innovative use of water body at MG Bazar pond and supply, construction and installation of Agartala city gates at Khayerpur road gate Unakoti and Amtali.
Notice Inviting e-Tender for innovative use of water body at MG Bazar post and Supply, construction and installation of agartala City gates at khayerpur road gate Unakoti and Amtali under Agartala Smart City.
Tender regarding selection of firms or authorized agency for entering into Annual Maintenance Contract(AMC)of Cooling Apparatus(s)installed at different establishment of TTDCL(2nd Call)under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding construction of water tank and sanitary latrine under PWD.
Tender Notice for Procurement of Chemicals and Reagents for C.V.Sc. & A.H., R.K. Nagar during the year 2021-2022.
Tender regarding replacement of Bailey Bridge by RCC bridge under PWD. Dated 1st January, 2020.
Tender for rates for conducting of audit of 5 (Five) nos. corporate social responsibility project under Khowai district.
Tender regarding FDR/Construction and maintenance of various road under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of Dhalai District Hospital, Phase-II under PWD.
Tender regarding sale of condemned vehicles under GA(SA)Department.
Tender regarding improvement of road from north gate to bhutoria and construction of RCC covered drain.
Tender regarding purchase 100 numbers of RISHA under Tripura Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (One) Maruti Omni (van) under GASA Department.
Tender regarding innovative use of open spaces at Childrens Park and post completion operation and maintenance under Agartala Smart City Limited.
Tender regarding supply of invitation card, multicolor poster, badges and brochure under Election Department.
Tender regarding replacement of Bailey Bridge by RCC bridge over Halai Cherra on Kailashahar Golakpur under PWD.
Auction regarding dismantling & removal of all components of existing SPT bridge over Gomati River at Mailak under PWD.
Tender regarding maintenance of road under the jurisdiction of Satchand subdivision under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of RCC bridge over Dewan cherra on pitra to Nityabazar road under PWD.
Tender regarding sale of Raw Rubber. Dated 9th December, 2019.
Tender regarding replacement of existing bailey bridge by RCC bridge over Betagacherra under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of Fish Market at Santirbazar under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of stalls and logistics arrangement for Handloom Expo at various locations in Tripura in the year 2019-20 and 2020-21.
Tender regarding urgent FDR of road and yearly maintenance of road at various place under PWD.
Tender regarding hiring One Bolero and Two Maruti van at three different Office under PWD.
Tender regarding replacement of bailey bridge by RCC bridge under PWD. Dated 27th November, 2019.
Tender regarding no F/7 (1)BDO/LJR/GR-STORE/TENDER/2019-20.
Tender regarding supply of office articles under belbari RD Block.
Tender regarding construction of RCC bridge at Santirbazar under PWD.
Tender regarding sale of condemned govt. vehicle bearing no TR-01-1125, Maruti Suzuki Gypsy MG-410W under PWD.
Tender regarding maintenance of different types of quarter and NH-208 under PWD.
Tender regarding hiring of Maruti Omini along with driver for Amarpur Sub Division-I/ II, Jatanbari, Karbook and Ompi Under PWD.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle under Damcherra R.D.Block.
Tender regarding replacement of SPT bridge and existing bailey bridge by RCC bridge under Bishramganj Division, PWD.
Tender regarding engagement of marketing agency for b2b, retail & e-commerce marketing and social media promotion activities of THHDC.
Tender regarding supply of Ration (Dietary and Other Misc. Articles) under Group-A,B & C for the Kendriya Sansodhanagar, Tripura, Bishalgarh for the year, 2019-2020.
Tender for Maintenance of different roads under PWD, Amarpur Division.
Tender regarding printing and supply of TTDCL Calendars for 2020 during the year 2019-20.
Tender for ordinary repair of NH-8 under PWD, Kumarghat Division.
Tender for repairing and maintenece of Air Conditioning System under PWD, Agartala Division.
Tender for Construction of Community hall, Sports Gallery, Sports Complex at Different Locations under RD Kanchanpur Division.Vide PNIT No.ePT17/EE/RD/KCP/DIV/2019-20/2300
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (one) Maruti Omni incl. fuel and driver for use by the Executive Officer, Panisagar Nagar Panchayat.
Tender regarding sale of raw rubber from TRPC.
Tender Notice for Procurement of Chemicals and Plasticwares for C.V.Sc. & A.H., R.K. Nagar during the year 2021-2022.
Tender regarding replacement of bailey bridge by RCC bridge under PWD Amarpur Division.
Corrigendum of short notice inviting quotation: No.F.4(2)BDO/KTL/NAZ(Part-I)/PNIT/2019-20/7725-35.
Tender regarding FDR/ Mtc, special repair, renovation and installation of road sign under PWD.
Tender regarding providing, installation and commissioning of air conditioning machines under PWD.
Tender regarding supply of office articles under Chief Electoral Officer.
Tender regarding pillaring surrounding the boundary line and FDR/Mtc under Bishramganj, PWD.
Tender regarding construction of RCC bridge over river Manu at chantail Ferighat on Paitur Bazar-Sonamura road under PWD.
Tender regarding Mtc. Of ST hostel of RK Institution, Kailashar Unakoti Tripura under PWD.
Auction notice regarding office articles of General Administration (S.A) Department.
Tender regarding seeking for organizing two days National Level Seminar under Tribal Research & Cultural Institute.
Tender regarding supply of office stationeries under Charilam R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply of various office stationary articles under Longtharai Velly SDM Office.
Tender for engagement of Vocational Training Provider for implementation of NSQF compliant Vocatinal Education in 56 Government Schools of Tripura.
Tender regarding conduct skill development training under Border Area Development Project In Sepahijala District under Directorate of Skill Development.
Notice inviting tender for Construction of Dining hall, Additional Classroom and installation, supply of 5KVA Diesel Generator at different locations under RD Kanchanpur Division. PNIT No.ePT 16/EE/RD/KCP/DIV/2019-20
Clarification for the RFP No.F.11(1)/TSCA/S&WSD/2015-16 dated: 25.10.2019 for Selection of Agency for Supply of IT Manpower for TSCA. under Directorate of Information Technology.
Notice inviting tender for Up gradation of Health Sub centre at different Locations under RD Santirbajar Division. PNIT No.e-PT-XII/EE/RD/STB/2019-20
Tender for Construction of public toilets including facility of water and link road repair under PWD, Amarpur division during the year 2018 – 19.
Tender for Visible improvement of the area widening of road from Colonel Chowmuhani upto Haradansangha feast side) under ward No. 19, AMC.
Tender for Estimate for special mtc./Renovation for Sukumar Barman memorial primary health centre Jumerdepha under Nalchar R.D.Block,PWD Sepahijala Division.
Tender for Construction of RCC bridge & Replacement of Bailey Bridge by RCC bridge under PWD Ambassa Division.
Tender for FDR of Bailey Bridge approach on Manikpur to Hajirai road under PWD L.T.Valley Division.
Tender for Annual Maintenance Contract for the AC systems installed at Old IGM Hospital Building under PWD Agartala Mechanical Division.
Tender for Replacement of Bailey Bridge by RCC Bridge(25m) over Baiboon Cherra on Bankumari to Manikpur road under PWD L.T.Valley Division.
Tender for Replacement of existing bridge by RCC bridge under PWD L.T.Valley Division.
Tender regarding construction of fish market and rural development and self employment training institute under Tripura Housing and Construction Board.
Notice Inviting Quotation for Supply of various Office Stationery in respect of Kathalia R.D. Block.
Tender regarding construction of Health Sub Centre at west satnala and Kamarmara under Rural Development Department.
Notice inviting tender for sale of raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation plantation Corporation Limited.
Notice Inviting Tender for Procurement of Equipment for the State Fertilizers Testing and Quality Control Laboratory, Datta Tilla under Department of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare.
Tender regarding supply & installation of 09 (Nine) nos of split type Air Conditioner at IT Bhavan under AMC.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Damchera Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Dharmanagar Foreign Liquor shop No.2.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Kanchanpur Country Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Mohesh Smriti Bazar Country Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Halflong Country Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Panisagar Country Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Bagpassa Country Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Kadamtala Country Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Tarakpur Country Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Dharmanagar Foreign Liquor Shop No. 4.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Panisagar Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Jalabasa Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Churaibari Foreign Liquor Shop.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Dasda Foreign Liquor Shop.
Request for proposal for conducting short term skill development training under Border Area Development Programme scheme in Dhalai District.
Tender regarding percentage rate e-tender under PWD.
Tender regarding development and beautification of Cremation ground at Amarpur under PWD.
Tender for settlement of retail vend M.G Bazar Country liquor shop No-2.
Tender regarding FDR and Maintenance of various road under PWD.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (One) Maruti (Omni)/Eeco under PWD.
Notice Inviting expression of interest regarding Consultation for up-gradation of system and documentation guideline from ISO/IEC 17025:2005 to 17025:2017 of Food Testing laboratory, Bodhjungnagar, Agartala under TIDC Ltd.
Tender for Construction of Mukto Mandap,Pucca Stage, Boundary Wall, Community hall at different Locations and Installation of Computer at various Schools under RD,Kanchanpur Division.
Tender regarding ordinary repair of various road under PWD.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Paradise Chowmuhani foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Barakathal Bazar foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Mohanpur Bazar foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Old RMS foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Sukuntala foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Surjya Chowmuhani foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Taranagar Country liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of M.G Bazar Country liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of APO Chowmuhani Foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Mohanpur Country liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Sekerkote Country liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Kaman Chowmuhani Foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend Hapania Bazar Foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Battala Country liquor shop.
Tender regarding providing, installation and commissioning of 1.50/2.00TR capacity split type High Wall Air conditioning machines for the Press Club of Agartala.
Tender for settlement of retail vend Jirania Bazar Foreign liquor shop.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of foreign liquor and country liquor shops under Sepahijala District.
Tender regarding construction of sports complex for Eklavya Model Residential school at Birchandra Manu under Santibazar Sub-Division.
Tender regarding sale of Raw Rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 19th October, 2019.
Notice inviting quotation for supplying the Sports Goods under Padmabil R.D.Block.
Tender regarding Desktop Computer under Laljuri R.D. Block.
Tender regarding rates for conducting of audit of 5 nos. corporate social responsibility project under Khowai District.
Tender regarding replacement of Bailey bridge by RCC bridge under PWD. Dated 11th October, 2019.
Tender regarding supply of office stationeries and other related official items for the financial year (2019-20).
Tender regarding printing & supply of seven registers & job cards under MGNREGA for use of VCs under Padmabil R.D Block during 2020-21FY.
Tender regarding supply of 1(One) 2 KVA inverter in the office complex of the Directorate of Sainik Welfare.
Tender regarding maintenance and FDR of roads & Staff quarter.
Tender regarding maintenance of Computer accessories , Fax machine and Xerox machine under Directorate of Employment Services & manpower Planning.
Corrigendum regarding the tender for supply of office stationary items and training related goods for TRLM.
Tender regarding consultancy services for preliminary and detailed engineering under PWD.
Tender regarding supply of office stationary items and training related goods for TRLM, under Hrishyamukh R.D.Block.
Tender for supply, installation, commissioning & maintenance of fibre-reinforced polymer made 20 seater speed boats powered with 50.0 HP 4 Stroke OBM engine.
Tender for Supply, Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance of FRP made 20-Seater Speed Boats powered with 40HP OBM at various Tourist destination of Tripura along with AMC on SLA during the year 2019-20.
Tender for Engagement of Agency for providing housekeeping service at Geetanjali Tourism Guest House and State Guest House, Agartala, during the year 2019-20.(2nd Call).
Tender for Engagement of Agency for providing Securiy Service at Geetanjali Tourism Guest House and State Guest House, Agartala as One Unit and Neermahal Water Palace, Melagharduring the Year 2019-20.
Tender regarding seeking for organizing workshop/seminar under Tribal Research and Cultural Institute.
Tender for hiring of Maruti Suzuki EECO under TTDCL.
Tender regarding replacement of SPT bridge by RCC bridge over Mailak Cherra on the road Mailak Panchayat office Under PWD.
Memorandum regarding time extension of RFP for Consultancy service for “construction of new multistoried office building for Taxes & Excise Department” at Gurkhabasti, Agartala vide DNIT NO:-e-DT/01/RFP/SE-I/RD 1st Circle/2019-20
Tender regarding FDR of roads at Boxanagar-Sonamura, Mohanbhog, Nalchar and Kathalia su-division under PWD.
Tender regarding FDR of roads at Kulubari, Nalchar, Mohanbhog and Kathalia under PWD.
Tender regarding FDR/Mtc. Of different roads in different location at Karbook, Jatanbari, Amarpur and Ompi under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of a new multistoried (B+G+5 with future extension of additional 2 floor) Office building for Taxes & Excise department at PN Complex, Gurkhabasti, Agartala.
Tender regarding construction of RCC bridge over Dewan cherra under PWD.
Tender regarding replacement of SPT & Bailey bridge by RCC Bridge over Ekchri Cherra and Lebacherra under PWD.
Tender regarding supply of high quality & healthy scented lemon cutting under Tripura Biotechnology council.
Tender regarding ordinary repair of National Highway 208 & 8 at different locations under PWD.
Notice inviting for Hiring of 1 (one) no Mahindra Scorpio in/c fuel and driver for use by the Chief Engineer, RD.(2nd call)
Notice inviting tender for Construction of school building, class rooms, Agri shed at different locations under EE,RD Santirbajar Division.
Tender regarding FDR/Repairing of various roads, Under PWD.
Tender regarding FDR/Repairing of different roads, Mtc. Of all type of quarters & boundary wall and existing bailey type steel bridge. Under PWD.
Tender regarding replacement of existing bailey bridge by RCC bridge, Under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of road in the North District of Tripura, Under PWD(PMGSY).
Tender regarding construction of road in the Dhalai District of Tripura, Under PWD(PMGSY).
Tender for Mtc. of Food Go-down approach road under PWD Sabroom division.
Tender regarding construction of 3 cell RCC box cell culvert and replacement of bailey bridge by RCC bridge over Thakuracherra under PWD.
Tender regarding replacement of bailey bridge by RCC bridge over Muhuri river under PWD.
Tender regarding hiring of 1(One) No. of commercial vehicle under Office of the Panisagar Nagar Panchayat.
Tender regarding comprehensive annual maintenance contract of Computers & Peripherals.
Tender regarding empanelment of agencies for certification of batter run rickshaw under AMC.
Corrigendum for tender for Supply and Installation of batteries on Buy back mode under Tripura State Computerisation Agency.
Tender for Supply and Installation of batteries on buy back mode at old IT Bhavan building, ITI Road, Agartala, Tripura
Corrigendum of tender for supply of 14312 nos of Smart Phones, for extension of Bid submission date to 13th May 2019
Request for expression of interest from the C&AGI empanelled Chartered Accountant firms to conduct audit for Directorate of Skill Development, Govt. of Tripura during FY 2019-2020.
Tender regarding hiring of Maruti Suzuki Eeco (Air-Conditioned) Re Call under Tripura Tourism Development Corporation Ltd.
Corrigendum dated 10 April 2019 for tender for supply of 14312 nos of Smartphone.
Pre-bid query responses dated 10 April 2019 for tender for supply of 14312 nos of Smartphone.
Tender regarding printing & binding of books of records for SHGs under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding construction of single storied 10(ten) bedded primary health center under Bishalgarh Division, PWD.
Tender regarding Mtc of different roads under Public Works Department.
Notice inviting tender for Permanent Internal Electrification of newly constructed DSIC Office Building at Bishalgarh under RD Bishramganj Division.DT No-28/BLG/EE/RD-BSGD/SPJ/2019-20.
Tender regarding construction of 12 (twelve) nos. staff quarters building, construction of RCC bridge and maintenance of road.
Tender regarding upgradation of road under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojana. Dated 13th August, 2019.
Notice inviting tender for Permanent internal electrification of Modern Record Room and DSIC Office building under RD Bishramganj Division vide PNIT No.PT-04/EE/RD-BSGD/SPJ/19-20/979.
Tender regarding replacement of bailey bridge by RCC bridge and construction of RCC bridge under PWD.
Notice inviting tender for Construction of Cremation shed at different locations under RD Santirbazar Division. Vide PNIT No. e-PT-VI/EE/RD/STB/19-20.
Corrigendum for tender for supply of 14312 nos of Smart Phone.
Tender for supply of 14312 nos of Smart Phone.
Tender for running & operation of various Tourist Lodges.
Tender regarding supply, installation & commissioning of split type AC Machines of 2.0 Tons capacity for Tourist lodges & Guest Houses of TTDCL, during the year 2019-20.
Tender regarding selection of project management consultants for development of tourism infrastructures in the state under different schemes of State Govt, Union Govt and NEC during the year 2019-20.
Tender regarding replacement of Bailey Bridge by RCC bridge Under PWD. Dated 9th August, 2019.
Tender for printing of 17 nos. Multicolor three fold folders (English version) for Tripura Tourism publication materials.
Short Notice Inviting Quotations in Sealed Cover is invited from manufacturer /Authorized dealers for giving rates of instruments.
Tender in connection with Audit of Books & Accounts and also for compilation of Accounts of TTWREIS under Tribal Welfare Department.
Notice inviting tender for Permanent Internal Electrification of newly upgraded Modern Record Room at RD Bishramganj under Bishramganj Division. DT No-27/CHRLM/EE/RD-BSGD/SPJ/2019-20.
Tender regarding Mtc of different roads for different jurisdiction under PWD.
RFP for conducting Skill Development Training under RPL component of PMKVY 2.0 during FY 2019-20 under Directorate of Skill Department.
RFP for conducting skill development training for unemployed women candidates in Tripura under Directorate of Social Welfare & Social Education Funded Programme.
Tender regarding supply of office computer accessories under Jampui Hill R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply, installation, commissioning of 1 (one) no. fully electronic lorry weighbridge for Brahmakunda Tea processing factory under Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender for Providing, Installation and Commissioning of Split Type High Wall Air Conditioning Machines for the department of Ophthalmology under PWD.
Tender regarding various up gradation and development works under Agartala Smart City Limited.
Tender for comprehensive Annual maintenance Contract (CAMC) for different Mortuary units installed at different places of the AGMC & GBP Hospital, Agartala under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of RCC Box culvert and strengthening of road under PWD.
Tender for repair and maintenance of Jessop make Road Rollers under custody of different PWD Divisions of North, Unakoti & Dhalai Tripura ,West Tripura Khowai & Shipahijala District and Gomati & South Tripura District.
Tender for improvement of road from Golaghati- Nabasantiganj Bazar to Birchandrapara under Jampuijala RD Block.
Tender regarding maintenance of Kharang Hall State and installation of mini deep tube well in various place under R.D. Agartala Division.
Tender regarding construction of Community Hall and renovation Puthiba Devata Bari under R.D. Agartala Division.
Tender regarding supplying of stationery articles Under Padmabil R.D.Block.
Tender regarding FDR of various road under Public Works Department.
Tender regarding construction of fish market and water supply & sanitary installation under Tripura Housing And Construction Board.
Tender regarding construction of RCC bridge over river Manu at Chantail ferighat on paitur bazaar-sonamura under Public Works Department.
Tender regarding joint bench double size having desk and bench of made of teak/Karai wood with complete polishing and varnishing under Dukli R.D. Block.
Tender regarding percentage of rate e-tender under PWD.
Tender regarding Construction of RCC Bridge under (RIDF-XIV) on Chailengta-Chawmanu road under PWD.
Tender regarding ordinary repair of NH 208 and NH 08.
Tender regarding various maintenance work under PWD, Bishramganj Division.
Corrigendum regarding RFP Extension against the RFP request for proposal from the interested Training Providers for submission of Proposal for conducting Skill development training under different schemes during FY 2018-19.
Request for proposal from the interested Training Providers for submission of Proposal for conducting Skill development training under different schemes during FY 2018-19.
Expression of interest for field latex under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding proposal on availing subsidies on food processing.
Tender for Maintenance of Haveli Museum at Chaturdash Devata Mandir Khayerpur near Old Agartala R D Block under R D Agartala Division”. DNIT NO:18/MTC-HAVELI MSUM/ CHTRDSH/OLD AGT/TTDC/EE/RDAD/ 19-20
Notice inviting tender (2nd call) for the settlement of retail vend of halahali foreign liquor shop and (3rd call) for the settlement of retail vend of kulai foreign liquor shop.
Notice inviting e-Tender for technical and financial proposals from Agencies for supplying manpower (Group-X).
Tender regarding submission of project proposals under DDU-GKY.
Notice inviting e-Tender for technical and financial proposals from Agencies for supplying manpower (Group-Y).
Notice inviting e-Tender for technical and financial proposals from Agencies for supplying manpower (Group-Z).
Tender regarding special repairs to the road from Daincherra to Ramchandra para and Adhibarighat to Brikshata under PWD.
Tender regarding providing, installation and commissioning under PWD.
Tender regarding construction and mtc. under PWD.
Tender regarding special repair of various road under PWD. Dated 21st June, 2019.
Tender regarding providing, installation and commissioning of VRF System AC machines under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of 10 nos staff quarters building under PWD.
Tender regarding construction of road from Damcherra-Hamunpui to Jolidhanpara under PWD.
Tender for Proposed construction of Double storied Administrative Building for Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Gomati District.
Tender for construction of RCC drain under PWD(R&B), Gomati District.
Tender regarding construction of 480 seated Ekalavya Model Residential School at East Nalicherra under Ambassa Sub Division, Dhalai District.
Tender regarding supply of Yoga mats under Youth Affairs & Sports Department.
Application for inviting application for availing subsidy under MIDH against Post Harvest Management & Marketing Infrastructure by the Directorate of Horticulture & Soil Conservation, Government of Tripura during 2018-19.
Tender regarding construction of plastic processing unit of Agartala Municipal Corporation.
Tender regarding printing and supply of 17 nos. TTDCL tourist destination brochures.
Tender regarding providing agencies for outsourcing different categories of manpower under Tripura Bhawan.
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Page last updated date : 29-03-2025 03:02 PM
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