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Press Release for e-District Service Launch in Tripura, Dated, 31-Mar-2015
Press Release on IPv6 Workshop
Speech by the Honourable Chief Minister Shri Manik Sarkar at the meeting of the Governing council of NITI Aayog held on 23-04-2017
Press Release on donation of Rs. 6.66 Lakh to the Chief Minister Relief Fund. Dt. 12.09.2017.
Tendre for sale of Raw Rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Ltd.
Memorandum regarding extension for Selecting an Agency/Firm/Printing House for Making/Mounting Acrylic Letter for TRLM.
Tender regarding supply of 75 GSM pink wove paper under Election Department.
Tender regarding supply of RCC citizen information board under Damcherra R.D. Block.
Tender regarding supply of Laptop, desktop, UPS and Smart TV under Bharat Chandra Nagar R.D. Block
Tender regarding supply of flex under Bharat Chandra Nagar R.D. Block.
Tender regarding supply of fishery kits for Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding consultancy services for a baseline survey for climate resilience of Forest Eco system, Biodiversity under IGDC.
Tender regarding hiring a technical support agency for developing fishery value chain under TRLM.
Tender regarding printing of IEC materials under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle under Land Acquisition Rehabilitation & Resettlement Authority.
Tender regarding hiring of two nos. of vehicle under GA(SA) Department.
Tender regarding supply of office stationeries and articles.
Memorandum regarding extension of tender for printing of IEC material under TRLM.
Corrigendum for Upgradation of East Dhajanagar Health Centre to Health and Wellness Centre,Maintenance of Treasury at District Magistrate,Construction of RCC filter water tank.
Detailed Project Report (DPR) on Capacity Building
CM Helpline: 1905
Tender regarding supply of group-C ration articles at Kendriya Sansodhanagar, Tripura.
Tender regarding supply of food items during any official programme under TULM.
Tender regarding supply of group-B ration articles at Kendriya Sansodhanagar, Tripura. Dated 19th February, 2022
Tender regarding construction of GP/VC Panchayat Bhawan at different location under RD Kumarghat Div.
Tender regarding hiring an agency for technical support agency for developing goatery value chain with 9000 women SHG members in 7 project districts of Tripura under TRLM.
Tender for hiring of 1(one) commercial LMV under Tripura Information Commission.
Tender regarding supply of group-A ration articles at Kendriya Sansodhanagar, Tripura. Dated 19th February, 2022
Tender regarding repair/maintenance of Fire & emergency Service at Udaipur Fire Station under RD
Memorandum regarding extension of submission of bid regarding hiring of young professionals for TRLM.
Tender regarding supply of Maruti Ecco under TRLM.
Tender regarding hiring eeco vehicle office use under office district magistrate collector
Tender regarding supply of PC (Desktop set) under Padmabil R.D. Block during 2021-2022
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Udaipur New Town Road Foreign Liquor Shop under Gomati District. Dated 8th September, 2022
Tender regarding supply of display board made with iron sheet under Teliamura R.D. Block.
Tender regarding excavation of earth by mechanical devices and procurement of coarse sand & local sand at different locations under RD Amarpur Div.
Tender regarding internal electrification work for construction of 24 unit Market stall at B.C.Manu, Santirbazar.
Construction of community toilet, temporary kitchen, water tank, temporary barrack, burial pit, fire station clearing of jungle, formation of road and brick soling, side development under different of RD Amp. Div.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 no Maruti Omni van, specified fine sand and local sand for mortar, concrete, etc. empanelment of vendors for supply of various hardware and interlocking pavers block for different construction work under RD Santirbazar Div.
Request for Proposal for selection of agency for upgradation of existing IP Telephony System.
Notice Inviting Tender for Selection of Service Provider for Facility Management of Shram Bhavan, Labour Directorate.
Tender regarding maintenance and Repair of roof of Gomati Zila Parishad, construction of Yatri Shed in Silghati ADC Bazar, Passenger Shed at Killa PHC Tri-Junction and Atharobola Motor Stand , Udaipur ,Gomati District.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (one) no of Maruti Eeco CNG.
Memorandum regarding extension for Selecting an Agency/Firm/Printing House for Making/Mounting Acrylic Letter for TRLM (4ftx6ft) size.
Tender regarding supply of various items under solid and liquid waste management under Pecharthal R.D. Block
Memorandum regarding extension of submission of notice for acrylic letter under TRLM
Corrigendum for the selection of agency for Conceptualization , Designing and Fabrication the Pavilion of the State of Tripura for IIFT at New Delhi from 14th to 27th Nov.
Tender regarding upgradation of East Dhajanagar Health Centre to Health and Wellness Centre at East Dhajanagar GP and South Chandrapur under UDP RD Div.
Tender regarding Development of land and boundary wall (Height-1.2 mtr) around TSCCF Ltd. Udaipur ,Gomati District
Tender regarding procurement of stationery equipments under SMMU, Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission
TDC part 2 Hons and General under 1 Plus 1 Plus 1 system Examinations-2013 Including Distance Education
Notification regarding retirement of Shri S. Talukdar, IFS (TR:81)
Notification regarding re-employment of Shri Asit bhaumik, Chief Engineer, Public Works Department (Building), Tripura.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Two TCS officers. Dated 5th October, 2016
Detailed Project Report (DPR) on Capacity Building
Annual publication of the list of notaries, appointed by the govt. of Tripura
Smti. Tapati Deb, Advocate has been appointed as Asstt.P.P, Executive Magistrate Courts, Khowai
North Eastern Region Vision 2020 (Volume 1)
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Amartya Barman, Under Secretary as State Public Information Officer(SPIO) for the office of the Rural Development Department, Secretariat, New Capital Complex.
Memorandum regarding departmental examination for IAS/TCS Grade-II and IPS/ TPS Grade-II officers under the Government of Tripura to be conducted by the T.P.S.C.
Tripura Tribal Areas Autonomous District Council (Constitution, Election and Conduct of Business) Rules, 1985
Notification regarding designated to Sri Pradip Acharjee as the first appellate authority for Revenue Department
Memorandum regarding submission of proposals for Chief Minister’s Civil Service Awards for excellence in Public Administration
Memorandum regarding hoisting of the National Flag during the period from 13th to 15th August, 2022.
Notification regarding appointment of Dr. D.K.Sharma, IFS as Principal Chief Conservator of Forests
Tender for Sale of Residual Tea from the Factories of TTDC Ltd.
Memorandum regarding extension of submission of RFP for engagement of personnel for TRLM.
Memorandum regarding extension of submission of RFP for hiring of young professionals for TRLM.
Notification regarding declaration for SPIO in Election Department.
Notification regarding declaration of State Public Information Officer and State Assistant Public Information Officer.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Debasish Sarkar.
Memorandum regarding empanelment as State Resource Person, Retainer Consultant under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Meeting notice regarding hiring of technical support agency for developing piggery value chain with 6000 women SHG members in 3 project district of Tripura Rural livelihood mission.
Meeting notice regarding hiring of technical support agency for developing broiler poultry value chain under TRLM.
Notification regarding extension of date of Engagement of Consultants for TRESP project under Tribal Welfare Department, Govt. of Tripura
Notification regarding inviting objections and suggestions on the draft Policy for lease of Government land under Revenue Department.
Notification regarding cancellation of short tender notice for hiring vehicle under PMFME Scheme.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Narayan Roy Choudhury, TPS Gr-I.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges among 5(Five) IAS, 1(One) IFS and 1(one) TCS officers.
Notification regarding on promotion to the IAS Supertime Scale of pay to (Two) IAS officers.
Corrigendum regarding rectification of designation under Agartala Smart City Ltd.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 1(One) IAS and 1(One) TCS officer.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 10(Ten) IFS officers.
Order regarding imposition of Corona Night Curfew throughout the State from 9 PM to 5 AM w.e.f. 10th January, 2022 to 20th January, 2022.
Order regarding State directives for COVID-19 management.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of 2(Two) IAS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 26(Twenty Six) TPS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 7(Seven)IPS and 17(Seventeen) TPS Officers.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of 13(Thirteen) TCS officers.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of 3(Three) IAS officers.
Notification regarding relinquishment of Shri Sriram Taranikanti, IAS.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of 3(Three) IAS officers.
Notification regarding on promotion to the IPS Supertime Scale(IGP) (Level -14 in the pay Matrix) of Shri Lalhminga Darlong,IPS and Shri Soumitra Dhar, IPS.
Order regarding corona night curfew, imposed throughout the state from 8pm to 5am.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 1(One) IAS officer.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Dr. Vishal Kumar, IAS.
Notification regarding declaration for SPIO in GA(SA) Department.
Notification regarding posting of newly appointed TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding posting of 27(Twenty Seven)newly appointed TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of Two IAS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Two IAS officer.
Notification regarding declaration for SPIO in Transport Department.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of three IAS officers.
Memorandum regarding submission of proposals for Chief Minister’s Civil Service Awards for Excellence in Public Administration.
Order regarding corona night curfew, imposed throughout the state from 10pm to 5am.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of (9) Nine TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Chaitanya Murti, IFS in absence of Shri Barun Kumar Sahu, IAS.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Tow IPS officers.
Notification regarding appointment of newly forty three (43) TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of five (5) TCS officers.
Notification regarding posting of Three (3) TPS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting and allocation of additional chargers to Four (4) TCS SSG officers.
Order regarding corona night curfew, imposed throughout the state from 11 PM to 5AM upto 20th February, 2022.
Notification for Shri Rupak Bhattacharjee, TCS, Gr-II, Designated as State Public Information Officer under Directorate of Social Welfare & Social Education.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of two (2) TCS officer.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of One IAS and one TCS officer.
Notification regarding first appellate authority under Finance Department.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 7(Seven) TCS officers.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Subhash Ch. Saha, TCS.
Notification regarding allocation of departments of IAS Officers.
Notification regarding declaration for SPIO and ASPIO in Directorate of Small Savings, Group Insurance & Institutional Finance.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Suman Rakshit, TCS.
Notification regarding appointment to the Indian Administrative Service.
Notification regarding transfer of Smt. B. Vaishnavi, IAS from Tripura cadre to Maharashtra cadre.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of twelve TCS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of three(3) IFS and twenty three (23) TFS officers.
Notification regarding declaration of Public Holiday of Maha Buisu Festival on 14h April, 2022.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of three (3) TCS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of two (2) IAS officers.
Notification regarding declaration for SPIO in Directorate of Audit, Finance Department.
Memorandum regarding 2(two) days Tripura Bandh on 28th & 29th March, 2022 called by Some political Parties and Trade Unions.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri Bidhan Debnath, TCS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri Chaitanya Murti, IFS.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of Two (2) IAS officers.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Bidyut Datta to the post of Additional Director.
Notification regarding declaration of State Public Information Officer in Directorate of land Records & Settlement.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Two (2) TCS officers.
Notification regarding declaration of 1st Appellate Authority in Public Works Department.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri Biswajit Paul, TCS SSG.
Notification regarding transfer and posting TC officers with immediate effect
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri Prashant Badal Negi, IAS.
Notification regarding setting up of the centre for Logistics, Communication & Waterways in Tripura.
Notification regarding rate chart of bamboo and other raw materials available at TRPC Ltd.
Notification regarding promotion to the IAS Junior administrative grade scale.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri V. George Jenner, IFS.
Notification regarding appointment of First Appellate Authority for Tribal Welfare Department.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of thirteen (13) TCS officers.
Notification regarding major reshuffle of Fifty One (51) TCS Officers.
Notification regarding promotion of three (3) TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification for promotion of three (3) TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding promotion of fifteen (15) TCS Gr-II officers.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of Two (2) TCS officers.
Notification for allocation of additional charge and relief from additional charge.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Four (4) TCS officers.
Notification regarding allocation of charges of Thirty (30) TCS Gr-II officers (Probationers).
Notification regarding relinquishment of charges of Shri Angshuman Dey, IFS.
Notification regarding formation of Internal Compliant Committee under Law Department.
Bye-Election in Assembly Constituencies-ECI instructions on enforcement of Model Code of Conduct
Tripura Electric Vehicle Policy, 2022
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of two (2) IFS officers.
Notification regarding relief from additional charge of Smt. Anandita Debbarma, TCS.
Notification regarding stay order of transfer of Two (2) TCS officers.
Notification regarding relief from the additional charge of Shri Biplab Das, TCS, SSG.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Smt. Kuntal Das, TCS SSG.
Notification regarding cancellation of transfer order of Sh. Manoj Kumar, IAS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Dr. Parshant Kumar Goyal, IAS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri Shakti Kant Singh, IFS.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Sanjit Debbarma, TCS Gr-II.
Notification regarding retirement and transfer of charge of Shri Kamal Chakraborty, IPS.
Notification regarding deputed of charge of Shri Prithwiraj Debnath, TCS Gr-II.
Notification regarding release from charge of Shri Angshuman Dey, IFS.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of (3) three IAS officers.
Notification regarding relinquishment of charges of Shri Shakti Kant Singh, iFS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Dr. Parshant Kumar Goyal, IAS.
Notification regarding relinquishment of charges of Shri Shivanand S. Talawar, IFS.
Notification regarding Tripura State Policy for Empowerment of Women, 2022.
Notification regarding relief and allocation of additional charges.
Notification regarding relinquishment of charge of Shri Puneet Rastogi, IPS.
Notification regarding Transfer & Posting of 3(Three) IAS Officers.
Notification regarding relief and allocation of additional charges to Two IAS and One TCS officer.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Utpal Chakma, TCS Gr-II.
Memorandum regarding 2(two) years age relaxation in upper age limit for all categories of candidates for direct recruitment in Govt. departments & PSUs.
Corrigendum regarding correction of name.
Memorandum regarding opening of new sub head and detailed head under major head-0049 & 0406.
Notification regarding relief and allocation of charge.
Notification regarding relief and allocation of additional charge.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri Satyabrate Mukharjee, TFS.
Notification regarding relinquishment of charges of Shri Puneet Rastogi, IPS.
Notification regarding posting of Shri Amitabh Ranjan, IPS as Director General of Police.
Memorandum regarding advisory on financial frauds by impersonating through fake Whatsapp numbers.
Notification regarding appointment of Shri Asim Saha as member of the claims tribunal under Home Department.
Memorandum on shortlisted State Resource Person (SRP)/ Retainer Consultant (RC) under TRLM
Notification of recruitment for the post of Specialist Doctor (Physician/Consultant Medicine) for FRU under State Health & Family Welfare Society, NHM, Tripura.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri Barun Kumar Sahu, IAS.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of senior IAS and IFS officers.
Notification regarding transfer & posting and allocation of additional charge.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of six IAS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of Shri Jogeshwar Reang, TCS Gr-II.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges among Three (3) IAS and Three (3) TCS SSG officers.
Corrigendum regarding regarding the hiring of one no. of Maruti Ecco vehicle under TRLM
Tripura Media Representative Accreditation Guidelines 2020
Notification regarding function of Shri Khushwant Singh Sethi, IFS as Principal Secretary.
Notification regarding retirement of Shri Paritosh Biswas, TCS Gr-II
Notification regarding transfer of Shri Jogeshwar Reang, TCS Gr-II
Certificate course on Integrated Nutrient Management for Practicing Fertilizer Dealers
Corrigendum dated 12/08/2022
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Two IFS officers.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of Two IAS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 9 (Nine) IPS and 5(Five) TPS officers.
Notification regarding stay order for reshuffle of charges of Two IAS officers.
Notification regarding superannuation of Shri V.S. Yadav, IPS.
Memorandum regarding revised list of common post of Multi Tasking Staff Group-D non-technical under common RR.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of 3 (Three) TCS officers.
Notification regarding re-allocation of charges of Shri. J. K. Sinha, IAS.
Notification regarding reshuffle of charges of two (2) IAS, (2) IFS and three (3) TCS officers.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Shri Prasada Rao Vaddarapu, IFS.
Notification regarding allocation of additional charge to Smt. Debbie Halam, TCS.
Notification regarding major reshuffle of posting of two (2) IPS and thirty two (32) TPS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of one (1) IPS and sixteen (16) TPS officers.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of eighteen (18) TCS officers.
Notification regarding continuation of service of Brigadier Jai Prakash Tiwari in the post of Director, Directorate of Sainik Welfare.
Notification for Electoral Roll in connection with next General Election to Village Committee.
Notification regarding appointment of State Chief Information Commissioner in the Tripura Information Commission.
Notification regarding constitution of committee of the Right to Information Act, 2020.
Notification regarding transfer and posting of nine (9) IFS and seven (7) TFS officers.
Notice regarding filling up vacant posts of Insurance Medical Officer under Tripura ESI Society.
Notice regarding filling up vacant posts of Auxiliary Nurse midwife under Tripura ESI Society.
Tender for maintenance of Internal Electrification at Ledrai Dewan H.S School for Naboday School at Machmara under EE RD Kumarghat Div.
Tender regarding procurement of Pouch Packet for Tripureswari (Premium) Pouch Packet under TTDC Ltd.
Tender for procurement of ISI marked Portland pozalana cement with latest amendment if any at RD Store Division.
Tender regarding earth work in excavation by mechanical devices and Supply of First Class Bricks & First Class Picked Jhama bricks under RD Kumarghat Div.
Tender regarding supply of 3 nos. of 1.5 ton air conditioner under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle under Mohanpur RD Block.
Tender regarding sale of raw rubber under TRPC Ltd.
Tender for settlement of retail vend of Udaipur new town road foreign liquor shop under Gomati District.
Tender for construction of Mukta Mancha and Pucca Ghat at different places under RD Udaipur Div.
Expression of interest for empanelment of vendor for rate contract for various items under PMFME Scheme.
Tender regarding supplying and serving of cooked food under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender for Procurement of Fertilizer for the Tea Gardens under TTDC Ltd. for the year 2022-23 crop season.
Tender for supplying USHA Sewing Machine with paddle along with scissor, measurement tape & scale under Kathalia RD Block.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of 06(six) nos. country liquor shops under Gomati District.
Tender regarding supply of 1 (one) laptop computer under Swavalamban Society.
Tender regarding supplying of grocery items and dairy products in government managed temples up to the period of April, 2023.
Tender regarding supply of 3 nos. of AIO Desktop Computer under The Police Accountability Commission.
Tender regarding procurement ,supply and carrying of 1st class stone aggregate and hiring of 2 nos Maruti Eeco(petrol/CNG) for RD Amarpur Div.
Tender for construction of 50 bedded boys and girls hostel at Karbook RD Block under RD Amarpur Div.
Tender for Purchasing of Air Conditioner & others for College of Vety. Science & A.H., R.K. Nagar during 2022-2023.
Tender regarding supply of cooked food & drinking water under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.Dated 5th may, 2022
Tender regarding settlement of 3 (three) nos. of defunct country liquor shops under Sepahijala District.
Tender for supply of Spare Parts for CTPF and BTPF under TTDC Ltd.
Short Tender Notice For Supply of Stationery Items Under O/O The Medical Superintendent District Hospital , Dharmanagar , North Tripura.
Notice inviting quotation for hiring of advertising agency/firm/printing house for printing and mounting of 25 nos of Hoardings
Notice Inviting Tender for procurement of COAL
Tender regarding printing of IEC materials under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding supply of 4 nos. of AIO computers under The Police Accountability Commission, Tripura.
Tender for procurement of rice bran for livestock and poultry farms under the Animal Resources Development Deptt. For the year 2022-23
Request for proposal for selection of agency for supply of manpower.Dated 12.05.2022
Tender for procurement of soybean cake meal for livestock and poultry farms under the Animal Resources Development Department.
Tender for procurement of wheat for livestock and poultry farms under the Animal Resources Development Department.
Tender for procurement of yellow maize for livestock and poultry farms under the Animal Resources Development Department.
Tender for procurement of dry fish for livestock and poultry farms under the Animal Resources Development Department.
Tender for procurement of ground nut oil cake for livestock and poultry farms under the Animal Resources Development Department.
Tender for procurement of oyster shell grit for livestock and poultry farms under the Animal Resources Development Department.
Tender for procurement of paddy husk for livestock and poultry farms under the Animal Resources Development Department.
Tender for carrying of made tea from the factories under TTDC Ltd to Warehouse at Taratala Road, Kolkata for the year 2022-23.
Tender for infrastructure development of pabiacherra h.s school under r.d. kumarghat division during 2021-22.
Tender for up gradation and renovation of HSC at different location under RD Kanchanpur Div
Tender regarding construction of 4 storied office building including lift for DM&C office at Kanchanpur RD Div.
Tender regarding hiring and agency for technical support agency for developing fishery value chain with 12000 women SHG members in 6 project districts of Tripura under TRLM.
Tender regarding sale of raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding supply of one no of digital camera with lens and mounting stand under TRLM.
Tender for materials to set up HAM Radio Station at SEOC, Agartala, under Directorate of Relief, Rehabilitation & Disaster Management.
Tender regarding HAM Radio Equipments under Directorate of Relief, Rehabilitation & Disaster Management.
Tender for renovation Of Dhansing Choudhuri Memorial HS School Under EE,RD,Kumarghat Division.
Tender regarding repairing/Mtc. etc. and construction of water tank reservoir of Fatiktroy Boys hostel under EE,RD,Kumarghat Div.
Tender regarding up gradation of PHC to HWC at different Locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Division.
Tender for construction of Udaipur English Medium School under RD Udaipur Division, Gomati
Tender regarding up gradation of Health Sub Centre at different locations under RD UDP Div.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle under Office of Block Development Officer.
Tender regarding hiring of one maruty eco with commercial registration under Dukli R. D. Block.
Tender regarding Construction of Socio Cultural Literary hall at Pecharthal under Pecharthal R.D Block.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle under Laljuri R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply of office stationeries and other related official items for the financial year 2022-23.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 no of Mahindra Scorpio under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding construction of Block public health unit, laboratory,etc, maintenance of west Bokafa School and construction of cultural hall under RD Santirbazar Div.
Tender regarding supplying, fitting, fixing of sofa type chair, PA system, IRP, Split AC for DIET under RD Santirbazar Div.
Tender for upgradation of west chandrapur hsc, upgradation of Anandabazar chc under R.D.kanchanpur sub division.
Tender for construction of pavilion, addl. class room, school building under RD Kanchanpur Div.
Tender regarding procurement and supply of specified river sand , Hiring Charges for Centering Shuttering including strutting propping etc. in complete for casting of RCC under RD Udp Div.
Corrigendum regarding hiring an agency for group medical insurance for Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring for extension of office space under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring an agency for technical support agency for developing piggery value chain with 6000 women SHG members in 3 project district of Tripura under TRLM.
Tender regarding Construction Of Community toilet at Noorpur G.P under Gournagar R.D Block under KGT RD Block.
Tender for procurement and supply of 1st category Brick aggregate (Nominal size-40mm/20 mm/12.5 mm/10 mm) at various worksites under Matabari/ Kakraban/Killa/Tepania R D Block under Gomati District.
Tender regarding Special repairing to S.T boys hostel, constn. Of retaining wall, repairing of road, Constn. Of Masonry well fitted with submersible pump near Belkumbari S.T boys hostel attached to Belkumbari H.S School under KGT RD Div.
Tender maintenance of ST Girls Hostel attached to Ramguna HS School school i.e 50 seated under Pecharthal RD Block under KGT RD Div.
Tender regarding maintenance of Terrace floor G.C.I sheet roofing at District Magistrate & Collector (Gomati) office building Udaipur and Renovation and Painting of Pediatric ward ,Udaipur,Gomati District Hospital.
Tender regarding procurement and supply of 1st category Stone aggregate (Nominal size- 20 mm/12.5 mm/10 mm) at various worksites under Matabari/ Kakraban/Killa/Tepania R D Block under Gomati District.
Tender regarding setting up of one unit freeze dryer, dehydrator production line under TRLM.
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Page last updated date : 29-03-2025 03:02 PM
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