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Tender regarding sale of Raw Rubber. Dated 11th August, 2021
Tender for Construction of ST Girls’ Model Hostel at Darogamura High School under EE,RD,Agartala Division.
Tender regarding engagement of Social Media Management and Multi-Media Creative Agency for Department of Information & Cultural Affairs.
Tender regarding procurement of computer & other peripherals for up-gradation under SDM, Sonamura.
Tender for construction of yatri shed at Kishoreganj and Tulamura under RD Gomati Division.
Tender regarding construction of Wayside Amenities at Bishalgarh, Nutan Bazar, Santir Bazar, Paschim Jalefa and Kailasahar.
Tender for providing repairing of traffic signal at IGM Chowmohani, Paradise Chowmohani and North Gate under AMC.
Tender for supply/installation/commissioning of 1 no. fully electronic lorry under TTDC Ltd.
Notice inviting tender for procurement of all sorts of paint, aluminium door, window, etc. and hiring of various permissible machineries for use in MGNREGA works in different block areas under RD Agartala Div.
Tender for Construction of R.C.C box culvert at A.D Nagar road-7 Under Ward No 38 ,AMC.
Tender for internal electrification for chandrapur, DIET and maintenance ST Boy’s Boarding House attached to KBI H.S.School under RD Udaipur Division.
Tender regarding installation, printing, fixing of flex and display of 3 hoardings at different districts in Tripura, under Department of Industries and Commerce.
Memorandum regarding extension of submission of tender for hiring of young professionals under TRLM.
Tender regarding procurement of 1st class bricks and pickets for Pecharthal RD Block under RD Kumarghat division.
Tender regarding supply of manpower to operate online computerized application & other IT related Job under AMC.
Corrigendum regarding installation, printing, fixing of flex and display of 3 numbers of hoardings under Industries & Commerce.
Request for Proposal for Selection of Agency for Supply of Manpower on out-source basis for CM Helpline under Directorate of Information Technology.
Notice inviting tender for construction of Health sub centre, Agri products collection centre and etc. under KGT RD Div.
Tender regarding supply of pre painted plain formed ridge under Rural Development Department.
Tender regarding infrastructure strengthening of SC to HWC at different locations under RD Kumarghat Div.
Tender regarding hiring of 1(One) no. Maruti Eco vehicle under GA(SA)Department.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve fee for foreign liquor warehouse from Shalbagan to Mohanpur under West Tripura District.
Tender for selling of Made Tea (BOPL) from CTPF and BTPF under Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender for supply of fertilizer for Tea Gardens under this Corporation for the year 2021.
Tender for the settlement of foreign liquor warehouse under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding procurement of 1(One) Laptop computer under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding supply of 1(One) 25 KVA Diesel generator under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding providing sweeping and cleaning staff under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission. Dated 8th April, 2021
Tender for Construction of Jawaharlal Neheru Balika Niwas, Training Centre, Re modelling of BSC Library, Renovation of existing TSR Barrack at different locations under EE,RD,Agartala Division.
Tender regarding settlement of foreign liquor warehouses under Gomati District. Dated 12th April, 2021
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle under Directorate of Information & Cultural Affairs.
Request for proposal for short term training under DWS fund in west, Sipahijala, North and Dhalai Districts.
Tender for Laying of flat brick soling, Construction of Deep burial pit & Sharp pit, Mtc. Of Ledrai Dewan school at different locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Div.
Tender for Construction of Market stall, CC Road, Open shed near crematorium, formation of Road at different locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Div.
Tender for Manufacturing ,Supplying and installation including fitting fixing in position precast RCC Citizen Information Board at different locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Div.
Tender regarding construction of semi permanent class room for Udaipur English Medium H.S. School under R.D. Udaipur Division.
Tender regarding structural repairing, welding of water Tender bearing no. TR-01D-1164 of Tripura Fire & Emergency Services.
Tender regarding sale of formic acid, chalk powder, rubber dusting sulpher and sodium bi sulphite under Tripura Rehabilitation plantation corporation Limited.
Tender regarding transportation of latex filled barrels under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding purchase of wet bamboo splits under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Expression of interest for third party monitoring and evaluation of implementation of annual plan of operation of Tripura CAMPA during the fy 2020-21.
Tender for selling of Made Tea (BOPL, OF, PD and DUST) from CTPF and BTPF under Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding dismantling of old garage, construction of hostel at SIPARD and construction of boundary wall at food go-down at AD Nagar.
Tender regarding printing & binding of books of records for the self help groups under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring of manpower agencies under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender for approval of rate and empanelment of vendors for manufacturing, supplying and installation of CIB in different blocks under South Tripura district.
Tender regarding construction of 240 seated Eklavya Model Residential School at east Malicherra under Ambassa Sub division.
Tender for the settlement of foreign liquor warehouse under Unakoti District. Dated 5th May, 2021
Tender for supply of fertilizer for Tea Gardens under this Corporation for the year 2021. Dated 13th May, 2021
Tender regarding construction of additional classroom at different block under Kumarghat Division.
Tender for construction of Additional class room at different block and CC road from the house of Ashad Ali to Apsar Ali under KGT Div.
Tender for supply fooding and refreshment for different training and meeting programme under Pecharthal BMMU.
Notice inviting tender for providing Semi skilled security guards for 24 hr a day for all weekdays at DDU-GKY under TRLM.
Tender notice for supply of stationary items for office use of Teliamura R.D. Block for 2021-22 FY.
Tender notice for hiring of 1(one) four wheeler light vehicle (Maruti Eeco)(Commercial) for use by Chandipur R.D. Block.
Construction of additional classroom at different block under Kumarghat Division. e-PT-06/EE/RD/KGT/DIV/2021-22
Corrigendum regarding supplying fooding and refreshment for different activities of TRLM.
Tender regarding settlement of 1 (one) no. of non-functioning foreign liquor shop under Sepahijala District.
Tender for construction of double storied market stall,Addl. Classroom,ID-GHA maidan development, library at different locations under RD Agartala Div.
Tender regarding construction of Children Home for Girls Unit-II & Speech rehabilitation at Ujan Abhoynagar, West Tripura for FY 2021-22.
Tender regarding construction of Canteen in the premises of Society for SOFED, Renovation of District Disaster Management Store, Maintenance of Internal Electrification of Durjoynagar High School under RD Agartala Div.
Tender for settlement of 01(One) no. Foreign Liquor Warehouse under Sepahijala District.
Tender regarding Procurement of drugs and consumables for JSSK under District Hospital Dharmanagar North Tripura.
Corrigendum regarding proposal for selection of agency to conduct skill gap and impact assessment study in Tripura under auspices of Directorate of Skill Development, Tripura.
Tender notice for inviting chartered accountant firms for conducting audit of accounts of Tripura State Compensatory Afforestation fund management and planning authority.
Tender regarding engagement of Manpower for implementation of MyGov Tripura.
Tender regarding conducting of auditing of MGNREGS Accounts for District, Block, 172 GPs/VCs, Line Departments of West Tripura District for the financial year 2020-21.
Tender regarding hiring of one light vehicle for use by the chandipur R.D. Block.
Percentage rated e-tender in single bid.
Tender for Construction of CC Road ,Open Shed, Manufacturing, supplying and installation of RCC Citizen information Board at different locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Div.
Tender for Const of Training Centre ,Work station for computer training centre, renovation of chamber of Deputy Director at different locations under EE,RD Agartala Division.
Tender for Construction of night shelter cum market shed for ST Vegetable-vendors at Radhanagar,Agartala under EE,RD, Agartala Div.
Tender for Manufacturing, supplying and installation of RCC Citizen information Board and hiring of various machineries like plate rammers different locations under EE,RD,Udaipur Div.
Tender regarding settlement of 02(Two) nos. of Foreign Liquor shop under Unakoti District.
Tender for Construction of CC Road, Side Drain, Excavation of RCC Channel at different locations under EE,RD,Agartala Division.
Tender regarding construction of double storied market stall at court Masjid Complex, Kailashahar, Unakoti District.
Tender regarding settlement of 1 (One) no. of defunct Foreign Liquor Shop under Sepahijala District.
Expression Of Interest (EOI) Management and Operation of “Industrial Promotion and Consultancy Cell” at Shilpa Nigam Bhawan, Khejur Bagan, Kunjaban, Agartala, Tripura.
Corrigendum regarding engagement of manpower for implementation of MyGov Tripura.
Tender for engagement of IT manpower (Web Administrator).
Tender for hiring of 1 no type M and M Bolero with fuel and driver for office use under state MGNREGS Engineering Cell, RD Department.
Tender regarding settlement of 1 no. of defunct Foreign liquor shop and 3 nos. of defunct Country liquor shops under Sepahijala.
Tender regarding settlement of 2nos. of Foreign Liquor Shop and 5 nos. of Country liquor shops under Uankoti District.
Tender regarding supply of various office stationary articles and other accessories for Panisagar Nagar Panchayat.
Tender regarding hiring of One Maruti Eeco under Directorate of Information & Cultural Affairs.
Tender regarding maintenance work of boys hostel attached to Ramesh HS School, Udaipur.
Tender regarding Financial Management & Technical Support Agency of TRLM for the FY 2020-21. Dated 22nd February, 2021
Corrigendum of Tender No. F.II-8(1)-EX/2020(P-1)/465-68
Request for proposal for short term training under Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojana.
Tender regarding sale of Raw Rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 18th February, 2021
Memorandum regarding extension of submission of bid regarding procurement of One laptop computer under TRLM.
Request for proposal for updation of the existing State Disaster Management Plan.
Tender regarding sale of hill broom grass under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 22nd February, 2021
Tender for settlement of 1(One) nos. of defunct foreign liquor shop under Sepahijala District.
Tender for the settlement of 2(Two) nos. of unsettled retail vend of foreign liquor shop under Unakoti District.
Memorandum regarding extension of submission of bid for procurement of laptop under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring 1(one) white colour Maruti Suzuki Ciaz or Swift Dezire vehicle under the office of the Commissioner of Departmental Inquiries.
Tender regarding supply, installation, assembling, fitting of conference table under Teliamura RD Block.
Request for proposal regarding submission of project proposals under DDU-GKY.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicle State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority.
Request for proposal (2nd call) for supply of ICT equipment for Tripura rural livelihood mission (TRLM).
Tender regarding settlement of 02(Two) Nos. functioning retail vend of FL shop and One defunct FL shop under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding Settlement of 05(Five) nos. Foreign Liquor Warehouses under West Tripura District. Dated 4th march, 2021
Tender regarding site & minimum reserve fee for Foreign Liquor Warehouse under West Tripura District. Dated 4th March, 2021
Tender regarding sale of Hill Broom Grass under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 6th March, 2021
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of MG Bazar Foreign Liquor shop no4 under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of MG Bazar Foreign Liquor shop no3 under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve fee for Foreign Liquor warehouses under West Tripura District. Dated 4th March, 2021
Notice inviting quotation regarding hiring of requirement basis Vehicle for use of SMMU, TRLM.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve fee for Foreign Liquor Warehouse under West-Tripura District. Dated 4th March, 2021
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of defunct H.G.B Road Foreign Liquor Shop No-1 under West Tripura.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve fee for Foreign Liquor warehouse under West Tripura District. Dated 4/03/2021
Tender Regarding Site and minimum reserve fee for Foreign Liquor Warehouse under West Tripura District. Dt 4th March, 2021
Tender for Construction of residential quarter for the Superintendent of SC/ST Hostel under R.D. Udaipur Division.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (one) No. Maruti Omni Van / Ecco incl. fuel and driver for performing the office work of the Institution of Construction workers Training Institute of Tripura.
Tender regarding providing sweeping and cleaning staff under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding hiring of 1 (One) no. Maruti Omni Van/Ecco incl under Rural Development Department.
Tender regarding supply of office stationeries and other related materials under Unakoti District, Kailashahar.
Tender regarding supply of office stationeries and other petty items for the Financial Year 2021-22 under Unakoti District.
Tender for Hiring of 1(one) No. Maruti Omni Van / Ecco incl. fuel and driver for the use of Secretariat, Finance Department for performing the office work.(4th Call).
Tender for Hiring of 1 (one) No. Maruti Omni Van / Ecco incl. fuel and driver for performing the office work of the Institution of Construction workers Training Institute of Tripura (CWTIT) (4th Call).
Tender for finalization/approval of rate and empanelment of vendors for Manufacturing, Supplying and installation including fitting fixing in position precast RCC Citizen Information Board under Mahatma Gandhi NREGA.
Memorandum regarding cancellation of tender for hiring of vehicles under BDO Kailashahar.
Tender Regarding the Hiring of Eeco Vehicle for Office Use Under the Office of District Magistrate & Collector
Tender regarding hiring of EECO vehicle for office use under Office of the District Magistrate & Collector.
Memorandum regarding extension of submission of bid for hiring of requirement basis vehicle under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding supply of MT stores/spare parts to central MT workshop, Fire & emergency Services Complex, for the year 2021-2022.
Tender regarding settlement of foreign liquor warehouses under Gomati District, Udaipur.
Tender for construction of brick soling, dining hall, pucca channel at different location of EE RD Sanirbazar Division.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Udaipur New Town Road Foreign Liquor Shop under Gomati District. Dated 16th March, 2021
Tender regarding sale of Field Latex under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Tender for sale of Eco-Friendly Brooms under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Tender regarding ISI marked cement and ISI marked TMT bars under Rural Development Department.
Tender regarding procurement of fertilizer for the year 2021 under Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding internal electrification work at newly constructed workshop building at ITI Belonia, South Tripura under RD Sanirbazar Division.
Notice inviting tender for Specified fine Sand and Local Sand for various worksite under EE,RD,Santirbazar Division.
Notice inviting tender for procurement of 1st class Brick and 1st class straight picket for various worksite under EE,RD,Santirbazar Division.
Notice Inviting Tender for Construction of boundary wall at Ramesh School, Maintenance work of boys hostel attached to Ramesh School under EE,RD,Udaipur Division.
Extension of date of submission of tender against supply of Bamboo Machines.
Tender notice for inviting chartered accountant firms for conducting audit of accounts FCA under Arranya Bhawan.
Tender for Construction of school building including internal electrification in different locations of RD Agartala Div.
Tender for complete supply/ fitting fixing of the electrical equipment for tea processing machinery in Central Tea Processing Factory under TTDC Ltd.
Cancellation Notice for the Tender regarding selection of Agency for Supply of Sweeping Cleaning Staff under TRLM.
Memorandum regarding cancellation of tender for supply of sweeping cleaning staff under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Notice inviting tender for ISI marked Indian manufactured cement under Rural Development Department.
Tender regarding settlement of one defunct Old RMS Chowmuhani FL shop under West Tripura District.
Tender for settlement of 05(Five) nos. Foreign Liquor Warehouses under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve fee for foreign liquor warehouses from Ranirbarzar to Jirania under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve fee for foreign liquor warehouses from Kaman Chowmohani to Motorstand under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Old RMS Chowmuhani foreign liquor shop No-2 under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve fee for foreign liquor warehouse from Motorstand to Khayerpur Trijunction under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding hiring of vehicles on requirement basis by the State Mission Management Unit under TRLM.
Tender for Upgradation of ArcGIS Basic version 10.2.2 to Arc GIS Desktop Advanced latest version with two years AMC and one year warranty under Forest Department.
Notice Inviting tender for supply of 3 Nos. of AIO Computers under Tripura Police Accountability Commission.
Tender regarding settlement of One (I) Foreign Liquor Warehouse under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding settlement of 6(Six) nos. of Country Liquor Shop under Unakoti District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of defunct Battala Country Liquor Shop under West Tripura District.
Tender for procurement and supply of river, black sand, aluminum doors etc items and hiring charges of centering shuttering under various places of EE RD UDP Div.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of defunct M.G Bazar Country Liquor Shop No-I under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of defunct Sekerkote Country Liquor Shop under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of defunct mohanpur Country Liquor shop under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of 05(five) nos. retail vend of defunct country liquor shop under west Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of defunct country liquor shop under M.G Bazar.
Tender regarding updation of the existing State Disaster Management Plan under Relief, Rehabilitation & Disaster Management.
Tender regarding Construction of Vivekananda H.S.School and Repairing of SC girls Hostel attached to Barpathari H/S School under EE,RD Santirbazar Division.
Tender for approval of rate and empanelment of vendors for manufacturing, supplying and installation of CIB at different locations under RD UDP Div.
Tender regarding construction of Volleyball, Badminton, Lawn Tennis Court, Basket Ball Court under EE,Rd Santirbazar Division.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve Fee for Foreign Liquor Warehouse on shalbagan to mohanpur including mohanpur municipal area.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve Fee for Foreign Liquor Warehouse on either side of the motor stand road from Kaman chowmohani to Motorstand.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve Fee for Foreign Liquor Warehouse on either side of central road form Maharajganj Bazar to bypass to either sied of bypass form Bankumari to Amtali.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve Fee for Foreign Liquor Warehouse on Ranirbazar to Jirania including Municipal, Nagar panchayat area.
Tender regarding site and minimum reserve Fee for Foreign Liquor Warehouse on the either side of the AA Road from Motorstand to Khayerpur Trijunction.
Tender regarding settlement of four (4) nos. of defunct country liquor shops under Sepahijala District.
Tender regarding settlement of 05(Five) nos. Foreign Liquor WAREHOUSES under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding sale of Hill Broom Grass under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Corrigendum regarding NIT NO. F.II-8(I)-EX/2020(P-I)/03-06 dated 2-1-2021 under Commissioner of Excise.
Tender regarding procurement of 2nos. of Macbook Air Intel Core i5 10 Generation 13.3 Inch Laptop 8GB/512GB SSD under Directorate of Relief, Rehabilitation & Disaster Management.
Tender regarding maintenance of Noabari HS School hostel toilet under Killa RD Block, Udaipur, Gomati District.
Corrigendum regarding Ref: Notification No.F.1(3)-FIN(G)17/6043, dated 16.01.2021 under Finance Department.
Tender regarding supply of stationary articles etc under Bharat Chandra Nagar R.D.Block.
Tender for construction of Brick soling with pucca drain, dining hall at different locations under EERD Santirbazar division.
Tender regarding license of Foreign Liquor warehouse under Sepahijala District.
Tender regarding supply of Computer articles etc under Bharat Chandra Nagar R.D.Block.
Tender for selling of Green Leaves of Machmara Tea Estate under TTDC Ltd. during the year 2021 crop season.
Tender for selling of Made Tea (BOPL) from CTPF and BTPF under this Corporation under Tripura Tea Development Corporation LTD.
Tender for Supply of Specified fine sand for mortar, concrete, brick work, plinth filling etc. for various worksite under EE,RD,Santirbazar Division.
Notice inviting tender for Hiring of 1 (one) No. Maruti Omni Van / Eco incl. fuel and driver for performing the office work of the Institution of Construction workers Training Institute of Tripura (CWTIT) under RD Department.
Notice inviting tender for Hiring of 1 (one) No. Maruti Omni Van / Ecco incl.fuel and driver for the use of Secretariat, Finance Department for performing the office work under RD Department.
Memorandum regarding cancellation of tender regarding providing manpower services under District Magistrate & Collector, Sepahijala District.
Corrigendum regarding changes of Tender no.F.II-8(1)-EX/2020(P-1)/129-32
Tender for Construction of Cremation, Community Latrine, Development of Community tank along with construction of pucca ghat at different locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Division.
Tender for Construction of Box Culvert, Hostel Suptd. Qtr, boundary wall, bathing ghat at different locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Division.
Tender for Construction of Market shed, CC Road, up gradation of road, Mtc of RCC Road at different locations under EE,RD,Kumarghat Division.
Tender for Construction of Toilet and retaining wall, market stall, Health sub centre under EE RD Udaipur Sub Division.
Tender for Supply & fitting fixing of different children playing instruments,Guddi Gudda Board, Hiring of permissible Machineries like plate rammers, Vibrating plate etc.
Tender for Construction of SHG Common working shed, Science lab, Type III residential Quarter at different locations under EE,RD,SNTIRBAZAR Division.
Tender regarding supply of assembled desktop computer under Kathalia R.D.Block.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Battala Foreign Liquor Shop No-4 under West Tripura District.
Tender for Construction of Vocational Training Centre cum Range office building at BC Manu under EE,RD,SNTIRBAZAR Division.
Tender regarding settlement of 02(two) retail vend of Foreign Liquor Shop under West Tripura District.
Tender regarding settlement of retail vend of Ranir Bazar Foreign Liquor Shop under West Tripura District.
SNIQ for printing of Annual Achievement Booklet of MGNREGA for Financial Year 2018-19 of RD Department.
Corrigendum regarding extension of submission of bid under Urban Development Department.
Corrigendum regarding changes in NIT No. F.II-8(1)-EX/2020(P-1)/03-06 under Office of the Commissioner of Excise.
Tender Notice for supply of the Assembled Desktop Computer under Kathalia R.D.Block.
Tender regarding construction of 100 seated capacity town hall at Mohanpur under Urban Development Department.
RFP for conducting Skill Gap and Impact Assessment Study in Tripura under Directorate of Skill Development.
Memorandum regarding cancellation of FMTSA under Trpura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding sale of Eco-Friendly broom under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
Tender for procurement spare parts for annual maintenance/overhauling of Tea Processing Machineries under Tripura Tea Development Corporation Ltd.
Tender regarding development of Tripura Sundari Temple under Prashad Scheme.
Tender regarding Financial Management & Technical Support Agency of TRLM for the FY 2020-21.
Memorandum regarding cancellation of memorandum issued by Directorate of Skill Development.
Tender for hiring of permissible Machineries and Procurement of GCI sheet, MS hard drawn, Channel, angle etc. under the jurisdiction of EE,RD,Santirbazar Div.PNIT No.
Tender for Internal Electrification work at newly constructed DPRC building at Belonia under EE,RD,Santirbazar Div.PNIT No.e-PT-XXXII/EE/RD/STB/2020-21
Tender for Up gradation of brick soling, Const. Of CC Road, Addl. Classrooms at different locations under EE,RD,Santirbazar Div.PNIT No.e- PT-XXXI/EE/RD/STB/2020-21
Tender for Procurement of ISI marked TMT bars.PNIT No.e-PT-III/EE/RDSD/2020-21
Tender for Construction of Type III residential Quarter at Noabari HS School under killa RD Block uder EE,RD,UPD Division. PNIT No.e-PT-13/EE/RDUD/G/2020-21
Request for proposal for conduct skill mela, job mela and loan mela in Tripura under Directorate of Skill Development.
Tender regarding hiring of 1(one) No. vehicle for the office use of the Tripura Information Commission.
Memorandum regarding cancellation of RFP for procurement of ICT equipment's under TRLM.
RFP requesting eligible Training providers to conduct Skill Development programme in BADP Blocks of Dhalai under Directorate of Skill Development.
Re-tender regarding supply of cooked food & drinking water under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding supply of Bengali booklets & leaflets on fodder under ARDD.
Tender regarding supply of books of records for SHGs under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding production and supply of polyester based tamper evident security hologram labels under Commissioner Of Excise.
Tender regarding sale of raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 2nd January, 2021
Tender regarding books of record of SHGs under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Request for proposal regarding training providers to conduct Skill development training under BADP, West Tripura during the FY2020-21.
Auction notice regarding unserviceable articles under General Administration (SA) Department.
Tender regarding supply of books of records for Village organization under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender for Maintenance work, Construction of Type III residential quarter, pucca drain, laying of flat brick soling at different locations under EE,RD,Santirbazar Division.
Tender regarding supply of assembled desktop computer under Kathalia RD. Block.
Tender for Engagement of chartered Accountant firm for Annual physical verification of District/Divisional and block stores under RDD for the financial year 2019-2020.
Memorandum regarding extension of date of the EOI vide No.F.5(30)RD/TRLM/2019/5594-98 dated 17/12/2020 under TRLM.
Tender regarding supply of teak stumps under State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority.
Tender for Sinking of MiniDeep tube well ,Construction of Crematorium and renovation of hostel building including toilet blocks at different locations under EE,RD,Udaipur Division.
Tender regarding purchase of waste management items for SLRM Project of Ambassa RD Block under TRLM. Dated 31st December, 2020
Tender for construction of Science Lab at different locations under EE,RD Santirbazar Division.
Tender for hiring of various permissible machineries like plate rammers, plate/vibro/Tractor with tripper attachment, vibrating plate ,needle vibrator etc. under RD Udaipur Division.
Tender regarding supplying the PVC double layered water storage tank.
Notice inviting quotation for supply of Assemble Desktop Computer during the year 2020-21 and 2021-22 under Kathalia R.D. Block, Sipahijala.
Tender regarding purchase of office furniture items for BMMU- Ambassa RD Block under TRLM.
Tender regarding purchase of electronics articles for panchayet section of Ambassa RD Block under TRLM.
Tender regarding purchase of waste management items for SLRM Project of Ambassa RD Block under TRLM.
Tender regarding purchase of electronics articles for BMMU - Ambassa RD Block under TRLM. Dated 31st December, 2020
RFP regarding skill development training for migrants under NEC funding.
RFP regarding conduct Skill development training for Migrants in Tripura.
Corrigendum regarding RFP for Installation, Printing, Fixing of flex and Display hoarding at different locations in Tripura.
Request for Proposal for Engagement of Agency for Design, Supply, Installation and Commissioning of IT and non-IT Infrastructure for Data Center Migration and it’s Operation and Maintenance (2nd Call)
Tender regarding construction of TTAADC Bhawan at old council premises, Palace compound under Tripura Housing & Construction Board.
Corrigendum regarding extension of bidding date for printing and binding of books of records under TRLM.
Memorandum regarding extension of bidding date of providing fishery kits for the community service provider.
Tender regarding hiring of advertisement agency or firm for advertise under DDU-GKY under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding supply and installation of Computer along with Laser jet Printer under Damcherra R.D. Block.
Tender regarding supply of desktop computer materials and almirah for panchayat department under Laljuri R.D. Block.
Tender regarding auditing of annual accounts & records of cluster level federation for the FY 2017-18, FY 2018-19 & FY 2019-20 under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Tender regarding auction of condemned vehicles under District Magistrate & Collector, Unakoti District.
Tender regarding construction of library at different locations under Santirbazar Div.
Tender regarding Right to use of Play field & ground under Directorate of Youth Affairs & Sports.
Tender regarding procurement of Sewing Machine under Kalacherra R.D.Block.
Tender regarding supply of stationeries including computer and peripherals under Charilam RD Block.
Memorandum regarding extension of date for procurement of ICT equipment under Tripura Rural Livelihood Mission.
Corrigendum regarding printing and binding of books of records for SHGs under West Tripura District.
Corrigendum regarding supply of Trunk box for SHGs under West Tripura District.
Tender for Up gradation of Brick Soling road to cc road and const. Of boundary wall at different locations under EE,RD,Santirbazar Div.
Tender for Hiring of 1(one) no Maruti Omni van, Procurement of foot based sewing machine, Hiring of permissible machineries like plate rammers etc. under EE,RD,Santirbazar Div. Div.
Notice inviting quotation for the Trunk Box for SHGs for office of the District Mission Manager, DMMU Khowai District, Khowai, TRLM.
Tender regarding supply of office stationery under Dukli R.D. Block.
Notice inviting quotation through e-tender for supply of Trunk Box for SHGs under office of the District Mission Manager, west District, TRLM.
Notice Inviting Quotation through e-tender for printing & binding of books of records and Trunk Box for SHGs under office of the District Mission Manager, west District, TRLM.
Tender regarding settlement of 2(Two) nos. retail vend of foreign liquor shops and 3(Three) nos. of retail vend of country liquor shops under Sepahijala District.
Tender for Procurement and supply of first class bricks & Picket at various worksite under EE,RD,Udaipur Division.
Tender regarding development of Audio Visual clip under Directorate of Skill Development.
Corrigendum regarding proposal for providing point to point leased line connectivity over Ethernet for Tripura State Wide Area Network sites.
Tender regarding sale of raw rubber under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited. Dated 27th November, 2020
Tender regarding sinking of mini deep tube well, construction of crematorium and renovatin of hostel building under R.D. Udaipur District.
Corrigendum regarding procurement of computer hardware server other accessories for setting up-gradation under Pecharthal R.D.Block.
Notice Inviting tender for Purchase of 1(one) no. laptop, 1(one) no. desktop computer and 1(one) no. printer during the year 2020-2021 under Tripura Livestock Development Agency.
Notice inviting tender for procurement of Arm chair for the financial year 2020-2021 under Kadamtala Panchayat Samiti, Kadamtala R.D.Block.
Notice inviting tender for procurement of Ahuja conference system for the year 2020-2021 under Kadamtala Panchayat Samiti, Kadamtala R.D.Block.
Notice inviting tender for procurement of 2HP submersible pump including starter and etc. for the financial year 2020-2021 under Kadamtala Panchayat Samiti, Kadamtala R.D.Block.
Corrigendum regarding DNIT No.F.II-8(1)-EX/2020/1731-34 under Office of the Commissioner of Excise.
Notice inviting tender for Procurement of Pre-painted galvanized steel sheet including supply of pre-painted plain formed ridge of same quality and material under RD Store Division.
RFP for Installation, Printing, Fixing of flex and Display hoarding at different locations in Tripura under Directorate of Skill Development.
Tender for Procurement of GCI sheet, MS hard drawn, MS Channel, Angle, MS Chequered sheet etc. for jolaibari RD Block under EE,RD,Santirbazar Div.
Tender for Formation of brick soling, Const. Of Kitchen shed, Girls Toilet at different locations under EE,RD,Santirbazar Division.
Notification regarding extension of date for RFP for conducting skill development training under the Rurban Mission scheme- phase II under Directorate of Skill Development.
Tender for Const. Of Girls Toilet at different locations under EE,RD,Santirbazar Division.
Tender regarding supply of manpower on item rate basis under Directorate of Employment Services & Manpower Planning.
Tender for procurement of 2 Nos.Automatic Chute Type Half Pneumatic (Control Panel Base) Form –Fill & Seal Machine under Tripura Tea Development Corporation LTD.
Notice Inviting Quotation for Web-application Security Audit Services under Tripura State Computerisation Agency.
Request for Proposal for providing Point to Point Leased Line Connectivity over Ethernet for Tripura State Wide Area Network (TSWAN) sites
Notice inviting tender for supply of cooked food and drinking water under TRLM.
Tender regarding sale of Eco-Friendly brooms and hill broom grass under Tripura Rehabilitation Plantation Corporation Limited.
e-Tender for conceptualizing, designing and fabricating the tableau of the state of Tripura for the Republic day parade at New Delhi on 26th January,2021.
Notice inviting tender for Supply of Stationeries/Articles for ADC General Election, 2020 under Tribal Welfare Department.
Notice inviting tender for Hiring of vehicle for the office of the Executive Engineer, RD Santirbazar Division.
Notice inviting tender for Construction of Dormitory shed with kitchen, store, toilet etc. at different locations under RD, Kanchanpur Division.
Corrigendum regarding extension of the last date of submission of proposals for conducting skill gap study and Impact assessment under Directorate of Skill Development.
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